Cathleen Allison/Nevada Appeal No one was seriously injured in this two-car accident on Edmonds Drive north of Koontz Lane on Wednesday afternoon.
A head-on collision Wednesday on Edmonds Drive resulted in minor injuries, despite the mangled vehicles that littered the roadway.
Both drivers, Barry Brannan, 70, of Carson City and Linda DeCarlo, 61, declined to be transported to the hospital following the 2:25 p.m. accident near Koontz Lane and Edmonds Drive.
According to Deputy Wayne Wheeler of the Carson City Sheriff's Department, Brannan was northbound in a Toyota Tundra on Edmonds Drive when, for unknown reasons, he slammed head-on into a northbound DeCarlo, who was driving a Chevy truck pulling a flatbed with plastic tubing.
"Witnesses said he was swerving all over the road before the accident," Wheeler said.
The impact of the crash drove both engines toward the passenger compartments and somehow, a spare tire thrown from one of the vehicle, got lodged on its end under the rear body of the Toyota, holding the vehicle precariously off the ground.
Deputy Rick Dodds said it's likely a medical condition on Brannan's behalf caused the accident.
Alcohol does not appear to be a factor in the wreck. Traffic in both directions on Edmonds Drive near Koontz lane was blocked for about 90 minutes while the wreckage was cleared.
n Contact reporter F.T. Norton at or 881-1213.