130 Years Ago
Footprints: Mark Twain asserts that the impressions of human footprints at the Carson prison were made by Jack Perry of Eureka.
120 Years Ago
Shotguns for burglars: George Kitzmeyer's son noticed a light in the barn and concluded there were a couple of men burglarizing the stable... Five shots were fired in the direction of the robbers. Later a saddle was found in the street behind the barn. The robbers are still at large. Mr. Kitzmeyer thinks that the affair was a put-up job to have a certain political effect.
70 Years Ago
First Nevada dog "enlisted": Enlisted for the nation's war effort is "Soldier," an 11-month-old German Shepherd owned by L. L. Sowers, former Humboldt county assembly member. The age for dogs to be enlisted is from 1 to 4 years old. He will be trained for service as a guard, hunter, messenger or other important duty for our country's defense...
50 Years Ago
KOLO television (one channel only) - Highway Patrol, Huckleberry Hound, Real McCoys, Zane Grey Theatre, Perry Mason, Steve Allen Show...
30 Years Ago
The World's 5th International Whistle-Off, a two-day event, is coming to the outdoor Legislative Mall in Carson City.
10 Years Ago
St. Peter's Episcopal Church hosts Country Store sale. The Country Store, located inside the parish hall, will have Grandma's Treasurers, books and collectibles...
• Sue Ballew is the daughter of Bill Dolan, who wrote this column for the Nevada Appeal from 1947 until his death in 2006.
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