Step one in the process to set a budget for 2013-14 was taken by the Churchill County School District Board of Trustees Thursday night during its regularly scheduled meeting.
A tentative budget for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2014 was approved by trustees in a meeting that took little more than an hour to complete in “The Pit.”
Trustees also discussed or took action on the following items:
Approved a resolution authorizing medium-term obligations in the maximum principal amount of $1,125,000 to refinance certain outstanding obligations of the District; directing the superintendent or Business Services director to forward materials to the Department of Taxation of the State of Nevada.
Appointed Trustee Nona McFarlane to serve on the school board’s Policy Subcommittee.
To conclude the meeting, trustees went into a closed negotiation session at 8:04 p.m. to discuss negotiations and strategies regarding contract terms for the new superintendent contract. A contract has been offered to Dr. Sandra Sheldon, the current superintendent of schools in Warden, Wash.
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