From the Nevada Appeal on Nov. 1, 1966: A perfect landing for one of the parachute jumpers, an added attraction at the Jaycee Rodeo held at Fuji Park as part of the Nevada Day activities.
140 years ago
We beg you, kind friends who have stood by the Appeal so constantly thro’ storm and sunshine, to be patient with us during the vexations and vicissitudes, vaporings and vortexes of the pending campaign. The editorial brain, contemplating the weary incidents and fast-shifting scenes of excitement ... thou Demon of politics; and welcome back, oh, humdrum days of the gentle fruit-wagon, the honest cordwood, when “peace tinkled in the shepherd’s bells and sand among the reapers.”
130 years ago
The Virginia and Gold Hill Water Company proposes to flume water to Virginia City for milling purposes.
100 years ago
Within a few days there will be installed on the new battleship Nevada at the Fore River shipyards the first three-gun turret ever placed on an American battleship.
70 years ago
Marine Corporal Ernie A. Rabe, son of Mrs. Martha Rabe of 514 S. Nevada St., has completed a special training course in aviation mechanics at the Navy Air Technical Training Center in Memphis, Tenn. Rabe starred in football and track at Carson High School.
60 years ago
Warren Engine Co. No. 1 started its annual fund drive today. Carson has been laid out in eight districts, and two or more members of the company have been assigned to each district for donations.
Trent Dolan is the son of Bill Dolan, who wrote this column for the Nevada Appeal from 1947 until his death in 2006.