Letters to the Editor for July 3, 2019

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City needs to address road maintenance issues in open forum

OK, so, let me get this straight. The city needs $100 million just to bring the current street/road infrastructure up to standard? Meanwhile, the Planning Commission and the Board of Supervisors continue to approve subdivision after subdivision, which, one assumes, will include paved streets. Those paved streets will then be thrown into the infrastructure maintenance pot. So, the city is unable to maintain its current streets and roads but has no issue with adding to the problem with ongoing development.

And then, to top it off, Supervisors Bonkowski and Bagwell put an “either/or” line in the sand for the current residents of this community. Either we pony up the $100 million or we continue to drive on our ever deteriorating streets. Gosh, maybe someone should be doing a better job of budgeting for this type of need. In fact, I suggest that in lieu of the paltry $1,000 impact fee per lot being charged on some of the new development, something a little more substantial needs to be charged. There needs to be some thinking outside the box about how to address this issue. There is also the question of where the current 5 cent gas tax funds are being allocated, given that the freeway bypass has been “completed.” Anyway, this whole issue needs to be addressed in an open, public forum, with input and consideration given to the folks from Public Works, as to how best to manage our current street maintenance needs.

And, finally, I really like the new look Carson City has taken on ... all those bright and shiny new Waste Management garbage cans. They really do look so good on everyone’s driveways and side yards.

Anne Howard

Carson City

Politicians should take closer look at treatment of immigrants

Many of us are very compassionate people and we feel for the immigrants trying to come to this country, but I personally am getting very tired of the Democratic politicians putting illegals before the American people. I came to this country legally and find it disturbing that those coming illegally are getting so many free benefits that I have to struggle to pay for. I would like to see every politician get off of their butts and go stay at a nursing/rehab/convalescent home for a day and see how these folks are being cared for. It is a shame in the wealthiest country in the world that this is how we treat those who cannot take care of themselves any longer. Many, if not most, have worked all their lives to end up being treated in such a poor way. It’s time for these politicians to take care of the American people and what part of illegal don’t they understand? One more thing: For the thousands of migrants, if I had walked over thousands of miles, my shoes would have been in shreds, my backpack looking like it had been in a war and cellphone, where did I get to charge that every night? This is a crisis on the border and it’s time for the American people to wise up as this is nothing but a political ploy!

Helena Steiner

Carson City


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