Commissioners have busy agenda for Thursday

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The Churchill County commissioners meet Thursday at 8:15 a.m. in the Churchill County Commission Chambers, 155 N. Taylor St., suite 145. Agenda items include the following:

Application for continued support funding for the Fallon Youth Club for $10,000 to be considered in the Fiscal Year 2021 Budget and an update on activities.

Application for continued support funding for Domestic Violence Intervention (DVI) for $4,000 to be considered in the Fiscal Year 2021 Budget and an update on activities.

Consideration and possible action re: Application for continued support funding for the Churchill Arts Council for $8,000 to be considered in the Fiscal Year 2021 Budget and an update on activities.

Approval of a Sending Site Application filed by Denver Nygren for property located at 6575 & 6675 Mission Road, APN 009­ 051­05, consisting of 157.7 acres, with 93.76 irrigated water righted acres, in the A­10 land use district, whereby the applicant proposes to record a conservation easement on the property.

Appointment of Myles Getto to the Planning Commission to fill an unexpired term through Feb. 28, 2023.

Comment Letter to the Nevada Congressional Delegation and Navy on the Fallon Range Training Complex (FRTC) Modernization Final Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) and Churchill County Lands Bill.

Approval of Water Banking Agreement with TOT, LLC, Haneva, LLC, and Fallon Haneva, LLC which seeks to bank approximately 2,800 acre feet of underground water with the county to support future development.

Adoption of Resolution 02­2020 authorizing the clerk/treasurer to sell property held in trust because of unpaid taxes, directing publication of the Notice of the Tax Sale as provided in statutes.

Old Business:

Consideration and possible action: Approval of an Agreement for purchase of a Conservation/Restrictive Use Easement with Kylie Thurston Amos on Assessor’s Parcel Number 007­611­20, totaling 23.80 acres with 23.20 irrigated acres.

Consideration and possible action: Approval of an Agreement for purchase of a Conservation/Restrictive Use Easement with E & C Schank Properties, LLC on Assessor’s Parcel Numbers 007­651­29; 007­651­27 and 007­811­18, totaling 486.90 acres with 393.05 irrigated acres.

New Business:

Consideration and possible action: Approval of Professional Services Agreement with Lumos & Associates to conduct work on a Preliminary Engineering Report to support a grant application for funds to construct and make improvements on a road and bridge project in the area of Moody and Wade lanes and authorization to use Road Impact Fees as the funding source for the agreement at a cost of $70,400.


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