Nevada Legislature panel pumps $72.8 million into K-12 education

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The legislative Interim Finance Committee on Thursday approved a series of 12 federal grants pumping $72.8 million into K-12 education in Nevada.

The largest is the $27,667,986 in title 1 funding to help schools with high percentages of children from low-income families.

The committee also voted to accept $14,898,617 million in federal After School Learning Center formula funding to continue supporting community learning centers providing services during non-school hours. Also on the list is the $21,384,041 through the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act to support services for students with disabilities and an additional $930,092 in IDEA funding to support preschool services for disabled children.

A separate grant of $1,952,142 in adult education funding to continue helping community based organizations that help adults complete post secondary training to help those adults with children become full partners in their children’s education.

A $2.56 million grant will go to School Improvement to continue helping students in the state’s lowest performing schools.

The English Language Learners program will receive $1,758,546 and $114,258 will continue programs for pre-school education for Indian children in Nevada. A $773,388 grant under the Neglected and Delinquent Children program was also approved by the committee along with $361,843 to improve digital literacy.


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