Past Pages for February 22 to 25, 2020

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150 years ago…

Shooting at Empire. — A row occurred in a Chinese gambling den at Empire City yesterday in which a man from China was shot through the arm by another man named Ah Chaum. The shootist was committed to jail to await an examination before the committing magistrate.

130 years ago….

The Carson Guard ball on Friday evening promises to be a brilliant affair. All the boys are having their suits fixed over, and will make a splendid showing. It will be one of the finest uniform balls ever held in Carson.

100 years ago...

Leonard W. Fristoe, alias Will Frost, was captured this morning at 5:14 by Sheriff Ensloe and members of the state police in the East Ely railroad yard. The posse surrounded the caboose where Fristoe was hiding and told him to come out. Joe Bell, 20, came to the office and gave himself up at 3 a.m. Bell made a full confession that Fristoe had murdered constable St. Clair of Deeth and Deputy Sheriff Requa of Elko in an ambush near Cherry Creek and then robbed them. The news of the early capture came as a surprise to the authorities, as it was supposed that the outlaws would fight to the last.

80 years ago...

Taking as his subject “America’s Greatest Business,” at the Rotary Club meeting today, Robert B. Jepson, director of vocational education form Nevada, quoted early leaders of the United States as stressing the need for education to help the people to govern themselves.

60 years ago...

The United States officially opened its first Winter Olympic Games in 28 years today with a Hollywood-produced spectacle which lured some 20,000 spectators to scenic, snow-covered Squaw Valley. Vice President Richard Nixon officially declared the VIII Olympiad open.

40 years ago...

A massive power failure occurred throughout Northern Nevada including Carson City and Douglas County this morning as an electrical fault occurred in Sierra Pacific Power Company’s transition line between Northern Nevada and Utah.


150 years ago…

Shooting at Them. Mr. Delevan, the panoramas, was engaged yesterday in taking pictures of a group of Washoe Indians at the Plaza. The aborigines seems to like the fun and to understand that the thing in which Delevan pointed at them was not loaded.

130 years ago….

A nursery of 8,000 trees for sale. Apple trees of any variety, 25 cts, $20 per hundred. Young elms enough to supply Nevada. All kinds of shade and fruit trees, roses, shrubs and bushes. Nine houses for sale. A living without labor. John Wood, Carson City, Nevada.

100 years ago...

Except for the probability that A.L. Fristoe and Joe Bell, the murderers of Constable St. Clair and Deputy Sheriff Ruqua, now under arrest in Ely, will be brought to the penitentiary near this city for safe keeping. Excitement is running high in Elko over the brutal killing of the officers.

80 years ago...

Carson people have a right to feel proud of the city’s three high school graduates who are attending Occidental College in Los Angeles. For the third consecutive year Jimmy Harvey is on the track and field team. Carl Shannon has won a berth on the golf team. Charles Preist Jr. has made such a good scholastic record that he is assistant instructor in physics.

60 years ago...

M. George Bissell, secretary-manager of the state planning board, last night auctioned off his beard for the benefit of the state children’s home. High bidder was assemblyman Ray Knisley of Pershing County, at slightly over $99. The total donation was $205, the remainder being of the sale of individual hairs. The beard-snipping ceremony was in conjunction with the traditional “Third House” ceremony in the assembly chambers first instigated when Mark Twain was in Nevada.

40 years ago...

Search teams this morning resumed their search for the body of a 30-year-old Dayton man who disappeared in the 90-foot level of Topaz Lake while trying to save his young daughter who had fallen out of their boat Saturday.


150 years ago…

An item in last evening’s Gold Hill News says that the coin recently taken from the Pine Grove state by robbers has been recovered. That paper also says that the driver is suspected of being party to the robbery.

130 years ago….

A Little Different. — during the last snow blockade a resident of Carson was in Virginia City, and being unable to return to his wife and home, sent a telegram:

“Can’t Leave. Miss S——- will see you this evening.

When the message reached Carson it read:

“Can’t leave Miss S——-. Will see you this evening.

The gentleman has been two weeks trying to make his wife see how the mistake was made by the operator.

100 years ago...

The Elko Independent of yesterday states that just before going to press word had been received that Deputy Sheriff Requa, shot by the auto bandits last Saturday morning, had recovered consciousness and there were now hopes of his final recovery. Earlier it had been reported he had died.

80 years ago...

Beginning Tuesday, Feb. 27, hot noon lunches will be available to the school children of Carson City. The hot school lunch project is carried on under the program of the professional and service division of the W.P.A.

60 years ago...

Douglas County Sheriff’s Office reported this afternoon that prominent Carson Valley rancher Chris Neddenreip passed away late this morning, apparently from a stroke.

40 years ago...

A March 21 public hearing has been set by the Nevada Tahoe Regional Planning Agency on a proposed ordinance restricting gaming expansion at Lake Tahoe.


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