Past Pages for January 1 to January 3, 2020

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150 Years Ago

Big trout: Captain John McKinney of Tahoe City said that a trout was taken from Lake Tahoe that weighed 45 pounds. That is the largest fish ever taken from those waters. Prior to that one was sent to General Grant that weighed twenty-seven pounds. The Sacramento Union must be “on it” if it can tell bigger fish stories than the dwellers near and the toilers on the adjacent Lake, and prove them.

140 Years Ago

Swearing off the day: Old, red-nosed topers and dried up smokers will obligate themselves to abstain from their bad habits from the year of 1879. On the 2nd instant will be the day they reconsider their rash resolutions and declare that they don’t count. Man is frail, you know.

130 Years Ago

The Phonograph Ball: The Wheelmen’s ball takes place at the Armory Hall and many unique features will be presented. A bicycle exhibition by the club, will comprise new and difficult evolutions. The Edison’s Perfected Phonograph will be on free exhibition through the kindness of Mr. George Bromley of San Francisco and will include a recitation of “When these Cows Come Home,” a fragment of a letter from Thomas Edison, letter from Frank Mayo, Spanish dance (waltz), piano solo by Mr. Louis Glass, Echoes from Gilmore’s Band, Shubert’s Serenade, and Chinese and Scotch music.

Persons wishing to talk into the machine and hear their own voices reproduced will be accorded the privilege free of charge.

120 Years Ago

All sorts: The faculty of the State University (Nevada) has ruled that any student caught smoking cigarettes or found in an intoxicated condition shall be ousted from the school.

Rev. Jones of Reno has declined to marry California divorced couples. The Justice will handle these cases in the future.

110 Years Ago

Theater: Lake Theater—“The Lion Tamer” has met with huge success. Among other pictures are “The Prisoner’s Escape,” and “For Love’s Sake.” Songs will be rendered by Carson’s favorite, “Babe” Whittaker, and are “Sweet Sixteen” and “When Love is Young.”

100 Years Ago

Advertisement: “A Reminder—In sending a Christmas gift to your eastern friends a Washoe Indian Basket or a Fine Navajo Blanket will be appreciated more than any other gift. Call at Emporium Company’s Store and see what they have to offer, Carson City, Nev., A. Cohn, Pres.”


150 Years Ago

New Year’s Day: It was as beautiful as sunshine and as bracing as air could make it. The usual hearty greetings were exchanged and the good old custom of calling and guzzling was duly observed. A large party went to Wallace’s Rink and spent the afternoon on skates. It was an excellent beginning to “A Happy New Year!”

140 Years Ago

Caught a live wild goose: Charley Blethen was out skating on Washoe Lake when he came upon a flock of wild geese. Before they could all get away he caught one and brought it to this city.

130 Years Ago

All sorts: Skating on Washoe lake will be in order for New Year’s Day, as the lake is frozen a foot thick some distance from shore.

The dome of the Capitol looks very bad as the paint is commencing to wash off showing the red and blue streaks which existed before the white was put on.

120 Years Ago

All sorts: Max Scossa of Carson Valley lost the first two fingers of his right hand by the bursting of barrel of his shotgun.

Born to the wife of F.H. Norcross, a daughter. Miss Norcross was formerly Miss Addie Morton of this city.

110 Years Ago

New Mill: Captain Davis has completed the new Rock Point 40-stamp mill at Dayton replacing the one destroyed by fire. The new mill will be one of the finest in the state.

100 Years Ago

Some observations: It might be well for some of us to use a little pip into fighting the judgment of the engineers as to which side of Washoe lake the boulevard to Reno should be built on…


150 Years Ago

A Ladies Rights Ball: On New Year’s Eve at Bowers mansion in Washoe Valley, under the auspices of Mrs. Bowers and her lady friends, a very elegant affair was held for the elite of Washoe County. An admission fee of $5 was charged to the invited guests. Of the gentlemen who were present our informant gives us the names of Judge Owens of Washoe City (sometimes familiarly known as the “The Drone”; Mr. Fee, the Superintendent of the Savage Mill at Washoe City (who is said to have been the center of attraction to the ladies;). Mr. Wilson, bookkeeper at the same mill; Ed Schamp (who represented the Navy;) Mr. W. E. Price, toll gatekeeper for Jim Thompson at the Lake View House… and various other aristocrats. A high toned ball, no doubt.

140 Years Ago

Wants to be funny: A convict from the Nevada State Prison for the past six years wrote to the Sheriff who brought him here, extending an invitation to call whenever he visited Carson. In his note he said: “You will always find me at home.”

130 Years Ago

Unfortunate affair: Frank Craven was found in his cell floor insensible. Jailor Pine picked him up and found that he had butted his head against the wall and fractured his skull. Drs. Guion and Lee examined him and pronounced as to require trepanning. He was locked up and charged with insanity.

120 Years Ago

Big slide in the mountains: The worst landslide that occurred in the Sierras happened on the S.P. a few miles from Blue Canyon. Thousands of tons of earth, snow and ice hurled down the mountain side, covering the track for a distance of over 100 yards.

110 Years Ago

All sorts: Phil McGrath has been appointed Deputy State Treasurer and has entered upon his duties in that office (of Foreman-Roberts House). Rev. Martin, the new rector for the Episcopal Church is preparing to move into his new residence. Mr. Rabe of Carson Valley, has purchased the Thorne ranch south of the city.

100 Years Ago

A lot in a little: Now a vest pocket typewriter has been invented. An average size bottle of wine contains the juice of four pounds of grapes. Barbers in the early days of the Christian era were not permitted to talk while shaving…

Sue Ballew is the daughter of Bill Dolan, who wrote this column for the Nevada Appeal from 1947 until his death in 2006.


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