The Carson City Board of Supervisors will meet at 8:30 a.m. on Thursday in the Robert Crowell Board Room of the Carson City Community Center. Items on the agenda include: • Discussion and possible action regarding the adoption of a resolution authorizing expenditures of $163,120 in total funds for community support services grants ("CSSG") to non-profit organizations for Fiscal Year 2022. • Discussion and possible action regarding directives and recommendations concerning Carson City departmental and staff functions in Carson City as a consolidated municipality in relation to the exercise of emergency powers pursuant to NRS Chapters 244 and 414 and CCMC Chapter 6.02 for the purpose of ensuring the health, safety and welfare in Carson City in response to the global coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. • Discussion and possible action on the selection of one or more applicants to interview for appointment to the office of Carson City Treasurer at the meeting of the Board of Supervisors ("Board") on May 6, 2021, to fill the remainder of an unexpired term which runs until the first Monday of January after the next ensuing biennial election (January 2, 2023). • Discussion and possible action regarding a proposed Exclusive Negotiating Rights Agreement ("Agreement") between Carson City and PalaSeek LLP, to be effective until January 1, 2022, for the potential development of affordable/workforce housing located on a portion of real property owned by Carson City and located at 3410 Butti Way, APN 010-037-04 On December 5, 2019, the Board of Supervisors selected PalaSeek LLP and its proposed project as the only project suitable for further pursuit and the negotiation of a development agreement. Since that time, PalaSeek LLP has advanced the project significantly. PalaSeek LLP is now seeking project financing, including tax credits and other funding mechanisms through the Nevada Housing Division. To secure those funding mechanisms, PalaSeek LLP needs to demonstrate "site control" for the Property which can be accomplished through an agreement showing that it has the exclusive rights to negotiate a development agreement until January 1, 2022. This Agreement is intended to allow PalaSeek LLP to demonstrate site control of the Property and pursue the tax credits and other project financing options available through the Nevada Housing Division of the Department of Business and Industry. • Discussion and possible action regarding a draft license agreement template and license fee methodology, which is proposed to be a per square foot charge calculated by multiplying 50 percent of the Assessor’s taxable value per square foot of the adjoining owner’s parcel(s) multiplied by the prime interest rate plus two percent, to be utilized for granting licenses for use of the City's right-of-way for purposes other than landscaping, sidewalks, ingress and egress, and authorization for the City Engineer or designee to execute license agreements with adjacent property owners and adjust the license fee in accordance with the approved license fee methodology. • Discussion and possible action regarding a proposed resolution adopting a provisional order establishing the South Carson Street Neighborhood Improvement District under NRS Chapter 271 to provide for the ongoing maintenance of the South Carson Street Complete Streets Project. • Discussion and possible action regarding a proposed resolution: (1) reporting the City Engineer’s estimated Fiscal Year 2022 assessment roll for the South Carson Neighborhood Improvement District ; (2) identifying the cost to be paid by the SCNID for the purpose of paying for maintenance of the South Carson Complete Streets Project; (3) directing city staff to file the assessment roll with the Clerk’s office; (4) fixing the time and place to hear complaints, protests and objections regarding the assessment; and (5) directing City staff to provide notice of the public hearings pursuant to NRS Chapter 271. • Discussion and possible action regarding Tahoe Western Asphalt, LLC’s appeal of the Planning Commission’s decision to revoke special use permit SUP-10-115 for an asphalt plant and aggregate crushing facility on property zoned General Industrial, located at 8013 Highway 50 East. • Discussion and possible action regarding a proposed resolution creating a special revenue fund for the South Carson Street Neighborhood Improvement District. • Discussion and possible action on the proposed Carson City Capital Improvement Program for Fiscal Years 2022-2026. Acting as the Redevelopment Authority: • Discussion and possible action on the proposed Carson City Redevelopment Authority Fiscal Year ("FY") 2022 Tentative Budget and Capital Improvement Program. To watch the meeting remotely, go to and click on “In progress” next to the meeting date or tune in to cable channel 191. Public comment can be made by emailing the comment to by 3 p.m. April 14 or during the meeting by calling 1-408-418-9388 and using the meeting number 187 617 6057. Use the phone number only to make comment. The agenda is available online at and
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