Past Pages for January 30 to February 2, 2021

Carson City looking north from the top of the Capitol building in 1871.

Carson City looking north from the top of the Capitol building in 1871.

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150 Years Ago
All sorts: Pews to let--Owing to removals, there are several first-class pews to let in the St. Peters Episcopal Church. For particulars inquire of H. F. Rice.
140 Years Ago
Jottings: Fifty Indians had a swill barrel feast in back of the Ormsby. They enjoyed it in a manner to make a dyspeptic turn green with envy.
130 Years Ago
All sorts: Sitting Bull is dead, but his pony is very much alive and on exhibition in the dime museums of eleven different cities. (Chicago Mail)
Old Johnson Sides is now being exhibited as the Messiah, in six different cities and for two years after Hank Monk was buried in this city, he was drawing $15 a week in four different travelling shows east of the Missouri river.
120 Years Ago
Move the Capitol: The editor heard of a bill that will be introduced into the legislature pretty soon to remove the State Capitol to Reno, Washoe county agreeing to build the new Capitol and pay all expenses of removal. The bill stands an excellent show of passing both branches of the legislature. (Independent)
110 Years Ago
Full Measure law: The Weight and Measure Bill was taken up at the Legislature. The law proposes to make a bushel a bushel, a pound a pound, etc. so that the consumer may receive proper weight in exchange for his money. It appears to the average consumer if the merchant insists on short weight that the consumer should have the privilege of short change in return.
100 Years Ago
Carson Hi “Jazz”—newsletter:
“Yells—(Cheers today)
One-a-whickey, two-a-whackey,
Carson High School, Rah-rah-rah”


145 years ago

These are beautiful days, and a few more of them will so reduce the snow of these parts that all immediate danger of a flood from any sudden coming thaw or rain will be happily provided against. Also it may be said that a day or two more of such melting weather will cause the merry sleigh-bell to be no longer a passing sound.

130 years ago

Don’t fair to examine that patent velocipede-power lathe at Cagwin & Notewares. It is constructed to work wood and iron.

120 years ago

Captured the Ringleader. There is a gang of a half dozen “ex-cons” in this city, who are thought to be the ones guilty of the several holdups recently reported. The officers are using all diligence to apprehend them. Last night Constable Leeper and Deputy Brundage caught the leader, a fellow named Burnham, in the act of kicking in a door on first street. — Journal

110 years ago

One of the most felicitous addresses of Saturday night’s suffrage meeting was made by Miss Felice Cohn, counselor at law, of Carson City, who paid her railroad fare and gave her time for the purpose of advancement of the movement in Nevada.

100 years ago

The roads within this city are in a very bad condition, owning to the many storms. While little can be done to better conditions at present, travel is almost an impossibility on a number of the streets east and west of the main street. The road leading north of town is almost impassable in places.


145 years ago

Heavy Winds. — Our Valley is noted for heavy winds, but last week we experienced an unusual breeze, One of A.B. Boles’ teams, heavily laden with hay, was blown from Cradlebaugh’s grade, and an empty wagon belonging to Fred Dangberg was capsized while being hauled along the road. To render it even more disagreeable, the air was filled with fine snow, and the weather was extremely cold. — Carson Valley News.

130 years ago

The Chinese Government have adopted the American gatling gun and not long ago there was a fight in which five guns mowed down 1,000 rebels in an hour. The Chinese say that American made guns are hot stuff.

120 years ago

“601” Organize. Truckee’s terrible “601” has reorganized. It is probable that the Indian who murdered the squaw Monday night will be strung up and the undesirable be given the run. The Republican says the town is tough and wide open, full of dope fiends, panderers and strong arm men.

110 years ago

Yesterday in the Assembly Copernoll of Lander County, made the first move toward liquor legislation in this state. For the past three months those interested in regulating traffic in intoxicants have been drawing plans to submit to the Legislature regulating sales of all classes of alcoholic beverages.

100 years ago

A case of smallpox has developed at Virginia City. John Bici, a recent arrival from Reno, developed the disease and has been moved to a isolation hospital. It is not believed that the disease has been communicated to others.

Sue Ballew is the daughter of Bill Dolan, who wrote this column for the Nevada Appeal from 1947 until his death in 2006. Trent Dolan is the son of Bill Dolan.


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