Capital City Community Band awards scholarships

John Ruby, Jazmine Wong-Fortunato, Kyra Fields, Emma Thomsen and Nick Jacques at the Capital City Community Band’s Salute To Young Musicians Concert.

John Ruby, Jazmine Wong-Fortunato, Kyra Fields, Emma Thomsen and Nick Jacques at the Capital City Community Band’s Salute To Young Musicians Concert.

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The Capital City Community Band awarded its first Richard Doede Capital City Community Band scholarships to three young members of the band at its Salute To Young Musicians Concert.
The scholarships were established this year to honor members of the band who are seniors, have participated in the band, and plan to keep music in their futures. The board of directors named the scholarship in honor of the band’s founding director, Richard Doede.
Jazmine Wong-Fortunato has played bassoon with the community band four years. She also participates in the Carson High School Wind Ensemble and Jazz Band; she was a co-drum major for the marching band this past year. She began her musical journey playing flute in fifth grade and has added saxophone, piccolo, violin, and viola. She plans to become a music educator and will attend the University of Nevada, Reno in the fall.
Kyra Fields, clarinetist, has played in the band three years. She is a member of the CHS Wind Ensemble and has participated in the Northern Zone Honor Band seven years and the Nevada All-State band four years. She recently earned a superior rating in the Solo and Ensemble Festival with the privilege of auditioning for a command performance at the annual All-State Music Conference. Fields will attend the University of Nevada, Reno in the fall and has been accepted in the Clarinet Studio to study with Joshua Anderson.
Emma Thomsen has played tuba and string bass with the band for a year. She has participated in the CHS Jazz Band, Wind Ensemble, and Orchestra. She was a co-drum major for the CHS Marching Band. Thomsen received a superior rating in the Solo and Ensemble Festival with the privilege of auditioning for a command performance. She plans to major in education with a minor in music at University of Nevada, Reno in the fall.
The band never charges for its concerts. All the scholarships are funded by donations from the community and band members.


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