150 Years Ago
Sweet music: The saloon of Capt. Meyer on Second Street by was lulled by the sound of sweet music. Hugo Heimerdinger was playing an instrument called a Zither, or German table harp accompanied by an English concertina, played by Dick Mills and when some chorus would be played touching the patriotic German heart, the rich full voices of a dozen stalwart Teutons joined in, making a fine musical combination.
140 Years Ago
Bitten: Mrs. Tom Jorden was bitten on her ankle by a rattlesnake with fine rattles. The entrails of a chicken were applied to the bite and the poison drawn out. She was given an abundance of whisky to drink, nearly a gallon. The bite did not have any effect on her. She has improved rapidly and will recover.
130 Years Ago
Foster predicts a storm wave on the coast that will last a week. September will be a warm month with no killing frosts, and winter will come in late after a long Indian summer.
70 Years Ago
Advertisement: “Not how cheap. . . but HOW GOOD. There isn’t anything that some men can’t build a little poorer and sell a little cheaper . . . and the buyer who compares price only is this man’s lawful prey! The 1949 Plymouth deluxe sedan, good tires, beautiful light grey paint. An ideal family car. Only $300 down and $39.35 per month…
60 Years Ago
Births at Carson-Tahoe Hospital: Mr. and Mrs. George Geller are the parents of a girl weighing seven pounds 11 ¾ ounces. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Barrett are parents of a girl weighing five pounds 14 ¼ ounces.
150 Years Ago
Death of Alfred Donald: He was thrown out of the cage at the Belcher Mine and had his thigh and right arm broken and was otherwise seriously injured. He died this morning. He was a Knights Templar and a Scottish Rite Mason. He will be taken to his former home in Nevada City, Calif. (Virginia Chronicle)
140 Years Ago
Wayside notes: The Post says that the 2,800 level of Norcross is well worth watching. This is not the only mine on the Comstock, but it ought to be well watched.
130 Years Ago
All sorts: A wild man has been found on Maleham Creek, Idaho. Ranchers have heard strange noises among the willows and the wails of a human being mingled with the yelps of coyotes.
70 Years Ago
Registration for new students: All schools in Carson City will open Tuesday, Sept. 7. All students who have not been in attendance in Carson schools prior to this year must enroll between Aug. 30 and 31.
60 Years Ago
Carson-Tahoe speedway: The brand-new speedway will be dedicated when more than 50 top drivers and cars from Nevada and California compete on the asphalt track located behind the Stewart Indian School. Co-promotors of the event, Bob Meyer and Jim Owen, said the Reno Stock Car Association will present a full afternoon of racing beginning with time trials.
150 Years Ago
Hank Monk: The visitors on the stage were more numerous than three weeks ago. Hank Monk says there were as many passengers on Benton’s stage yesterday, more women and children than there are windmills in Stockton. The steamer missed none of its regular trips during the entire season.
140 Years Ago
Wayside notes: Henry Vansickle, the Genoa rancher, has the tallest wheat this year that the Douglas County boasts of. Van is recognized as one of the crack farmers of Douglas.
130 Years Ago
Towed her in: A very fat woman who stopped at McKinney’s went out fishing. She got a big trout on the end of the line and fell overboard. She tried to climb back over the side of the boat, but the old fisherman begged her to desist as her weight would upset the boat. She finally consented to a rope passed about her waist and was towed ashore.
70 Years Ago
Giant 50-foot monster: Fallon, Nev. A Fallon woman with a broom and a team of University of California paleontologists with bulldozers have uncovered the partial skeletons of at least three 35–50-foot ichthyosaurs that were at least twice as large as any monsters previously known to roam the seas 160,000 years ago. Imbedded near the surface of desolate West Union Canyon near Berlin, Nye County, about 130 miles southeast of here, they are described as the “largest animals of their time.”
60 Years Ago
Band fund donations: The Nevada Appeal School Band Fund has passed the one-third mark of its $3,000 goal with the addition of $306. The money will be used to pay expenses of the Carson High School Band when it marches in the Rose Bowl Parade on New Years Day. Previous donations were $817.10, and donations currently are at $1,123.10.
Sue Ballew is the daughter of Bill Dolan, who wrote this column for the Nevada Appeal from 1947 until his death in 2006.
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