Past Pages for October 2 to 4, 2024

Carson-Tahoe Hospital's first campus in 1955. A fire in 1968 destroyed the building, and the infirmary at Stewart was called into play. Construc tion for this building in 1949 topped out at $80,000.

Carson-Tahoe Hospital's first campus in 1955. A fire in 1968 destroyed the building, and the infirmary at Stewart was called into play. Construc tion for this building in 1949 topped out at $80,000.

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155 Years Ago

The steam horse goes snorting over the track, up and down, past the Mint and out toward the sagebrush, just as naturally as if he were there when the Washoe’s first camped up in this valley. It looks a good deal like earnest to see the locomotive puffing along through the town. Must be now that the kingdom’s coming.

140 Years Ago

A candidate’s diary. As several persons have addressed inquiries to this office relative to or views on the Crawford system, we have decided to lay bare to the world our diary kept during the struggle of last Saturday. Nominated for school trustee (short-term) at candidate’s meeting. Thanked candidates for distinguished educational honor and prepared to make a lively fight. Next day asked by several parties if intentions were serious or only wanted to disintegrate the party. Advised by 64 persons to run. Advised by 63 persons not to. Bowed to the will of the majority. Went to hunt up the colored vote. Mingled with some wood choppers and tried to talk French. Lost 30 votes by colliding a plural pronoun with a passive verb. Charged with being a Jewett Adams Democrats. Retired from fight at 1:30.

120 Years Ago

Editor Appeal: There are few subjects which interest parents more than the education of their children. You have asked for opinions on the subject raised by your correspondent, signed “a mother.”

60 Years Ago

Carson City Mayor Jim Robertson and local car dealer Phil Roventini will join a host of top state political officials and city elected officials on a jaunt to jolly old Europe. Gov. Grant Sawyer said he will lead a group of 30 Nevada government and business leaders for a 21-day promotion trip.

40 Years Ago

Douglas County District Court Judge Howard McKibben sailed through a six-question, 16-minute hearing on his federal court nomination before the Senate Judiciary Committee, convene this morning for the sole purpose of expediting the Nevada’s nominee appointment before the senate adjourns.



155 Years Ago

Railroad work. The Enterprise says that the trestle work across Crown Pint Ravine has been finished, all but the painting.

140 Years Ago

New York, Oct. 1. A special from Nashville says: Since Mormon converts in Lewis County were ordered to leave on pain of meeting a fate similar that of the two elders who were shot down, many have departed for other states and others are preparing to follow, and some have renounced the faith in order to save themselves trouble.

120 Years Ago

The Appeal postal poll is creating a great deal of interest. The returns are beginning to some in and so far with one exception the men who voted for Bryan four years ago are voting for Parker and the men who were for McKinley in 1900 are for Roosevelt now. The cards have been distributed among all classes of people and in a week or so the returns will give a pretty fair indication of the political pulse.

60 Years Ago

Mr. John Borda, varsity basketball coach and Mr. Roy Kidder, varsity basketball coach have been named competitive directors for the Carson City Punt, Pass, and Kick competition, Archie Pozzi Jr., manager of Pozzi Motor company said today.

40 Years Ago

At the movies. The Karate Kid, Gremlins, Purple Rain, The Last Starfighter, Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom, Red Dawn and Woman in Red.



155 Years Ago

Mining casualties of 1869. The list of casualties in mines during the present year presents a ghastly chapter of horrors to show the sensibilities and sadden the heart. Among the most frightful may be enumerated the calamity in Gold Hill on the 7th of aril, by which 39 men lost their lives; the coal mine explosion near Liverpool, on the 22nd of July last which resulted in the death of 53 men. The last frightful disaster at the Avondale mines, Pennsylvania, which killed 108.

140 Years Ago

Governor Kinkhead writes that at Juneau, their first stop in Alaska, the party was given a hearty reception by about 100 miners and citizens of the place, among them being a number of old Nevadans. The Governor says: “Juneau City is the present center of mining interests. Back of the town, high up in the mountains, is Fold Basin, where placer mining is successfully carried on mainly from decomposed quartz.” He is confident a good field will be opened for the mining industry.

120 Years Ago

For sale — The pew cushions of the Episcopal Church will be sold for $1 apiece. Will make excellent porch seats. Apply to Mr. Smith at the Rectory.

60 Years Ago

The body of Las Vegas gun moll Pauline Van Dam was shipped back to Kentucky for burial leaving behind a furor and a mystery within the confines of the Nevada State Prison.

40 Years Ago

U.S. District Judge Harry Claiborne was sentenced to two years behind bars and a $10,000 fine for failing to report income in 1979 and 1980.

Trent Dolan is the son of Bill Dolan, who wrote this column for the Nevada Appeal from 1947 until his death in 2006.


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