Faith & Insight: The truth will set you free

Peggy Locke

Peggy Locke

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I woke up the other night but then had trouble getting back to sleep. As I tossed and turned, my thoughts went back to my early high school days and I remembered a lie I told to my teacher about a reading assignment.

The class had been assigned to read a book and be prepared to give an oral report by a certain date. I love to read so thought there would be no problem in completing the assignment. But time and my busy schedule at school and at home proved to be too much for me. With the due date fast approaching and still not into the book, I began to panic and I chose to read a “Cliff Notes” copy of the book instead of reading the book.

When questioned about the characters and specifics of the book, I hesitated. I couldn’t answer. The teacher asked me point blank, “Did you read the book?” I answered “Yes.” My heart was so heavy and I felt embarrassed because I knew the teacher and probably everyone in the room knew – I lied. I had been taught not to lie, and I lied.

Why think about that incident now 60 years later? I’m forgiven of my past sins. But what do you do with past sins when they come to “light”? When we remember dark corners of our lives, secret or shameful experiences that no one else knows about? We bring them to Jesus. Don’t let the enemy, Satan, the devil, have any hold or hook in you. He is the accuser of the brethren and a liar. He comes to steal, kill, and destroy but Jesus comes to give us life to the full.

So, after all these years of carrying the shame of lying to my teacher, I asked God for forgiveness. I know I am forgiven but sometimes it is difficult to forgive myself. I don’t want anything separating me from my relationship with God. Unforgiveness even for myself keeps me from the fullness of what God wants to do in my life. When something from your past comes to mind to accuse you or that you’d rather forget about, confess it to God, ask forgiveness and be set free. The truth will set you free!

If you are filled with light, with no dark corners, then your whole life will be radiant, as though a floodlight were filling you with light. -Luke 11:36

You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” -John 8:32

Peggy Locke, assisting minister of Reno Hillside Foursquare Church, is co-founding pastor of Carson City Foursquare Church, specialized chaplain.