CAPS fundraiser set for Jan. 24
CAPS Paint Your Pet Night is Jan. 24 from 6 to 8:30 p.m. at the Old Post Office. Supplies, beverages, and appetizers are provided. The cost is $40. To reserve your spot, text Genevieve at 801-694-0059. All proceeds go to CAPS.
February fun run races
The Fallon Theatre will host a Valentine’s 5K fun run/walk Feb. 8 with same-day registration beginning at 8 a.m. Entry fees are $25 per individual and $40 per couple. Pre-entry forms may be picked up at Kent’s Supply Center.
For information call 775-691-9537 or email
The Churchill County High School chapters of the National Honor Society and the Future Farmers of America will sponsor a Valentine’s Day 5K Feb. 14 on the track at the Edward Arciniega Complex from 10 a.m. to noon. Entry fees are $50 per couple or $30 per individual 7 years old and up. Registration forms are available at CCHS or Bighorn ATV and Small Engine Repair.
For information, call NHS Adviser Monica Fairbanks at 775-423-2181 or email
Career Expo
A Career Expo is set for March 19 and is co-sponsored by the Churchill County School District and the Fallon Youth Club.
The intent of the Career Expo is to help. Fallon’s youth explore careers for a richer future.
This event will help more than 100 students and their families who attend the Fallon Youth Club explore potential careers and college options. If businesses or individuals are interested, reply to and include your logo.
Greenwave QB Club
The Greenwave Quarterback Club is seeking volunteers to join the organization. Five members will be stepping down next season, and the club would like to transition to a new team.
The Greenwave Quarterback Club helps the Churchill County High school football team by overseeing multiple fundraising events including a golf tournament and catering. The funds raised help support the football program, varsity dinners and the snack bar and also provide meals for double days.
If interested, contact or send a Facebook message.
For questions, contact or talk to any Greenwave QB Club member.
Churchill County Library
Start the new year at the Churchill County Library and enjoy programming, books, online resources and more.
A reminder that all library programming is free and open to the public.
Hours of operation:
New permanent library hours of operation are Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. and Saturdays from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Closed on Sundays and major holidays. Call 775-423-7581 for more information on any of the activities above. The Churchill County Library is located at 553 South Maine St., in Fallon. Programming subject to change so keep current on the library website:
Pennington Life Center
Plenty of good eats at the Pennington Life Center: All are welcome to partake. Lunch served 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. weekdays. Cost is $6 for those under age 60 and a suggested donation of $3 for those 60 and older.
Safety on two-lane highways
The Nevada Department of Transportation wants motorists to be safe on Nevada’s two-lane highways, especially those leading out of Fallon.
• Drive attentively at all times, including on two-lane rural roads. Even on rural roads, there are still other drivers on the road.
• Speed continues to be a primary factor in fatal traffic crashes, and the best way a driver can reduce their risk of crash is to reduce their speed. Follow posted speed limits, and be ready to slow below speed limit for adverse conditions such as weather. The faster you go, the less time you will have to react if anything happens.
• Pass only when safe to do so, and only in designated passing areas.
• Do not tailgate.
• Maintain your lane control. Stay to the right enough so that passing vehicles in the opposite lane can clear you. Watch for vehicles entering or passing on the roadway ahead of you.
• Continually scan the roadway in front of you. Be aware at all times of the road ahead, including the potential of wildlife, access roads and more.
Local briefs are for nonprofit organizations. If you have an event to share, email