Past Pages for January 22 to 24, 2025

Carson City looking north from the top of the Capitol building in 1871.

Carson City looking north from the top of the Capitol building in 1871.

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154 Years Ago

Improved Order of Red Men: Colonel Abe Curry, Vice Great Incohone, accompanied by Piute[sic] Tribe, No. 1, Improved Order of Red Men of this city, visited Virginia City and instituted Pocahontas Tribe, No. 2 of Nevada with 27 charter members.

145 Years Ago

Brief mention: Dr. Slade, the medium, astonished the people of Reno when a couple of slates laid on the table in the presence of J.C. Hagerman, C.S. Varian and others went to pieces under their very eyes. It was lying on top of the table in the light and no hand within five feet of it.

135 Years Ago

Advertisement: “John Anderson, new lunch counter – oysters. In any style. The best meats in town, choice steaks and chops cooked to order. You pay for what you get, and your order is promptly filled.”

70 Years Ago

Advertisement: “Safeway’s — niblet corn four cans for 65 cents; Heinz ketchup (14-ounce bottle), 23 cents; Mrs. Wrights bread, large loaf, 25 cents; flour, 10-pound bag, 89 cents…”

60 Years Ago

New post office: President Johnson requested about $2 million to finance a new post office and Federal Building for Carson City. The site was chosen in 1962 and the architect in 1963 (east of the Civic Auditorium and between Stewart, Plaza, Caroline and Washington streets).



154 Years Ago

Skating: There is fine skating on Washoe Lake. Make a note of it, you who are fond of such amusement.

145 Years Ago

Hank Monk: Hank makes it a principle never to go to a fire. He says: “When I hear the bells ring, I roll over and put my hand against the wall. If the wall ain’t hot, I don’t git out.”

135 Years Ago

All sorts: Two Indians were arrested in Chinatown. They were trying to take advantage of Chinese New Year’s Eve by getting a little gin.

70 Years Ago

Advertisement: “Carson Theater — return of the splendid comedy, ‘The Egg and I,’ with Claudette Colbert, Fred MacMurray, Marjorie Main, and Percy Kilbride. Latest news.”

60 Years Ago

New bills introduced: One of the bills brought forth in the Senate and Assembly would appropriate $1.2 million for a new state supreme court and library building.



154 Years Ago

Advertisement: “Avoid quacks — a victim of early indiscretion, causing nervous debility, premature decay, etc. having tried in vain every advertised remedy has a simple means of self-cure which he will send free to his fellow-sufferers. Address: J.H. Tuttle, 75 Nassau Street, New York.”

145 Years Ago

How Dobson thrashed the principal: Dobson’s son was severely whipped at school and went home to explain to his father how it happened. The youth did not exaggerate the facts of the case, but gave the unvarnished recital of the truth as boys do. His father listed quite attentively to the boy’s tale of suffering and examined a scratch on the boy’s head from being hammered with a stove poker. The old man promised that he would call around at the schoolhouse the next day to “straighten things out.”

135 Years Ago

All sorts: The orphans are going to the show this evening.

70 Years Ago

Carson Players appear in Minden: The original case of “Your Uncle Dudley” takes the stage at CVIC Hall in Minden for the three-act play under the direction of Gertrude Badt. Tickets are $1 for adults and 50 cents for students.

60 Years Ago

Advertisement: “Carson City Nugget: Last chance Joe Sez — it’s the Nugget for fun. Now appearing in The New Stage Bar, “The Ink Spots.”

Sue Ballew is the daughter of Bill Dolan, who wrote this column for the Nevada Appeal from 1947 until his death in 2006.