Documentary looks into death of former Nevada controller

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A one-hour documentary looking into the alleged murder of former state controller Kathy Augustine will air at 1 p.m. today on FOX News.

Producer Christopher Wallace interviewed State Archivist Guy Rocha for "Crime Scene: Gambling in Love" hosted by Greta Van Susteren.

"They primarily wanted to talk to me about the impeachment and trial," Rocha said. "They were also interested in my professional interaction with her."

Augustine, the state controller, died July 11. Reno police say the 50-year-old was fatally poisoned by her fourth husband, Chaz Higgs, 42. Higgs is alleged to have injected his wife with the hard-to-detect drug succinylcholine.

An autopsy found succinylcholine in Augustine's system, prompting a murder charge against Higgs.

Augustine was impeached by the Assembly and convicted by the Senate for using state equipment on her 2002 campaign. She was censured but not removed.

Mayor Marv Teixeira is expected to read a proclamation at Thursday's Carson City Board of Supervisors meeting declaring Nov. 30 as National Methamphetamine Awareness Day.

The proclamation reads:

WHEREAS, methamphetamine (meth) use and distribution is growing in epidemic proportions in Carson City, and is a highly addictive, synthetic stimulant made from a mixture of easily acquired chemicals; and

WHEREAS, in one way or another, the methamphetamine epidemic has a direct impact on every resident of this community; increased costs associated with drug use, addiction, chemical clean up, increased work for law enforcement and social services, overcrowded jails, increased domestic violence and physical abuse, shattered marriages, lost jobs, and devastated and neglected children; and

WHEREAS, Carson City has formed a grass roots, community-wide coalition, Partnership Carson City, to fight the use and abuse of methamphetamine, and is sponsoring numerous educational presentations throughout the community to increase methamphetamine awareness; and

WHEREAS; solving the methamphetamine epidemic, and breaking the cycle of addiction in general, requires strong support for community awareness, but as critical is education and prevention, treatment and rehabilitation, enforcement and changes in public policy; and

WHEREAS, this special day provides another opportunity to further raise community awareness and support for prevention, treatment and enforcement; and

WHEREAS, the Office of National Drug Control Policy, the Department of Justice, and the Department of Health and Human Resources will conduct a series of events throughout the United States to highlight the threat of methamphetamine, its destructive impact on America's families and communities and recent progress made at the federal, state and local levels.

NOW, THEREFORE, I, Marv Teixeira, Mayor of Carson City, Nevada, do hereby proclaim Nov. 30, 2006 as "National Methamphetamine Awareness Day" in Carson City, and encourages all citizens to celebrate recovery and show their strong support for the efforts of Partnership Carson City.


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