Carson woman heads to Olympics as Red Cross volunteer

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Carson City's Donna Brand Moormann is off to Utah, having returned this fall from New York and Ground Zero of the World Trade Center attacks.

A longtime volunteer for the American Red Cross, 50-year-old Brand Moormann will spend three weeks in Salt Lake City at the 2002 Winter Olympics, which begin Feb. 8.

"I'll be doing public affairs at the main headquarters for Red Cross in Salt Lake City. We will be manning first-aid sites and warm-up stations throughout Olympic venues. I was told I will start out at headquarters and then I may go out to other sites."

As for events, Brand Moormann said the Red Cross won't be buying tickets, but volunteers will be able to attend events when they have time off and can get tickets.

"We can get tickets ourselves," she said. "I'm taking our trusty credit card with me. I would love to see the figure skating -- that's my favorite -- but I love all the winter events."

Brand Moormann said the mission of the Red Cross at the Olympics is to be prepared and have trained disaster-response personnel on site in case anything happens. "With all the events since 9-11 they want trained personnel in the area."

Four other Nevadans from the Sierra Nevada Chapter will go with Brand Moormann.

Two will take the chapter's emergency response van and two others will offer assistance in their various specialties.

Bill Rich will work as the logistics coordinator and Bruce Wade will be the government liaison coordinator. Brand Moormann, Wade and Rick leave Sunday. The two drivers leave today, though at press time they had not yet been named.

In addition to the five Nevadans manning sites at the Olympics, about 40 others from across the U.S. will lend a hand and Utah has about 1,000 volunteers trained and on standby.

Brand Moormann said the first-aid stations are for spectators and that the Salt Lake City chapter will also have a welcome site.

In case of disaster, she said there is food for 13,000 and 13,000 cots and 26,000 blankets pre-staged in the area in case "we must set up sheltering. With so much going on at once at all the different venues it's hard to guess how many will be in the city at one time."

The agency is prepared for all types of emergencies from a terrorist attack to natural disaster. The Red Cross Family Wellbeing Inquiries center in Dallas will be up and running in case standard communications fail during the games. The center will allow people to track family members, whether U.S. citizens or foreign in an emergency.

Red Cross disaster assistance is offered free of charge and made possible by voluntary donations of time and money. To donate time or money, contact the Red Cross at 1190 Corporate Boulevard., Reno, NV 89502. For information, call 856-1000.

With more than 84,000 square miles of Nevada to serve, Brand Moormann, a volunteer since 1994, said they are always looking for more volunteers.

Brand Moormann's husband, Eric, will remain in Carson City.


To donate directly to the American Red Cross send checks to 1190 Corporate Blvd., Reno NV 89502. Donors can also call (800) 257-7575 or the local chapter at (775) 856-1000. To donate on the Web go to:


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