Carson High grad selected to carry Olympic Torch

Nicole Williams, a Carson High Alumna and track and field athlete, win run the Olympic Torch along part of its trek to Salt Lake City. Williams currently suffers from a blood clot in her brain that was found after complaining of migrain headaches. Photo by Brian Corley

Nicole Williams, a Carson High Alumna and track and field athlete, win run the Olympic Torch along part of its trek to Salt Lake City. Williams currently suffers from a blood clot in her brain that was found after complaining of migrain headaches. Photo by Brian Corley

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Nicole Williams says she feels fine, but the blood clot in her brain isn't getting any smaller.

Nominated to carry the Olympic torch by her aunt and grandmother, the 20-year-old University of Nevada, Reno marketing student is waiting to hear the results of her tests.

The clot was discovered just after Williams graduated from Carson High School in 2000.

"I thought I was getting migraines," she said. "I found out in the hospital. I'd been in and out of the emergency room."

Doctors put her on blood thinners to try and reduce the clot, which succeeded over the first six months in decreasing its size by half.

However, since then the clot has not shrunk any further and Williams says doctors are trying to find out if it is related to a protein deficiency.

"They just took me off blood thinners so it is kind of scary," she said.

She was tested on Friday and will not know for three weeks," she said. "I'm praying and I'm kind of on pins and needles waiting to find out. I feel fine and that's all that matters."

Nicole was a cross country runner at Carson High School and she said it is an honor to carry the torch.

"It is such an honor," she said. "It was seriously the greatest news."

She was nominated by aunt Cindy Sanchez and grandmother Carol Sheeks for her bravery through the ordeal.

"They were really proud of me," she said.


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