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Carson City

Students to perform for music club

Music students of local piano and vocal and instrumental teachers will be the featured performers at the Annual Recital for the Carson City Music Club Monday at the Brewery Arts Performance Hall, 511 W. King St.

The program will begin at 7 p.m., the public is invited. Children are free; adults are $3. Refreshments will be served after the performance.

For information, call Jane Theiss, 882-9517.

Last day to apply for artist fellowships nears

The deadline to apply for an Artist Fellowship from the Nevada Arts Council is April 15. All completed applications must be postmarked or arrive at the Nevada Arts Council's Carson City office by 5 p.m.

Fellowship guidelines and applications are available by calling the Arts Council office at 687-6680 or at

The Artist Fellowship Program encourages the pursuit of artistic excellence and provides Nevada artists of merit with financial support for career advancement. Six fellowships of $5,000 each are awarded annually: two each in literary arts, performing arts and visual/media arts. Recipients are required to present a free public program related to their art during the fellowship year.

The Artist Fellowship Program is one of the most competitive grant programs in the agency. Peer panels evaluate fellowship applications and work samples in a public meeting. Applicants must be actively practicing in their discipline and demonstrate professionalism and quality in their art through work samples.

Ask-A-Principal Hotline to take calls

Anyone wanting to speak anonymously with a school principal or psychologist can call a toll-free hotline April 17-19 during the National Association of Elementary School Principals 16th annual Ask-A-Principal Hotline. The toll-free phone service is in English and Spanish. Call 1-800-944-1601 from 10 a.m.-4 p.m. April 17, 4 a.m.-4 p.m. April 18 or 4 a.m.-10 a.m. April 19.

The hotline is coming from Baltimore, where about 5,000 kindergarten-through-eighth-grade principals will attend the national convention and answer phones in two-hour shifts. Callers may request free copies of brochures about the characteristics of a high-quality elementary school and about children's fears. More than 1,000 calls were received last year about topics on school discipline, learning difficulties, school safety and kindergarten entrance. Calls are welcome on any subject.

Pepper memorial dog-agility trial coming up

On April 16 and 17, the fifth Pepper Memorial Classic Agility Trial will take place at Fuji Park. Over the last four years, $32,000 has been raised in memory of Pepper, the Sheltie, who died from canine lymphoma in 1999. Owner Lin Battaglia vowed to do something to honor her dog. Morris Animal Foundation, a nonprofit organization that funds animal health studies, is the recipient of the proceeds from the Pepper Memorial Classic.

Spectators are welcome. Admission is free, but you should bring a chair. Leave your own dogs at home. The competition is 8 a.m. through 5 p.m. Lunch and refreshments will be sold.

For information, contact Battaglia, (775) 425-2375. You can read Pepper's story at


Practice now for Douglas teens' Battle of the Bands

Douglas County Parks & Recreation will host Battle of the Bands 2005 for teens from 4-10 p.m. April 16 at the Douglas County Fairgrounds Building in Gardnerville. Local teen bands will compete for a first-place prize of a recording session and other prizes. Admission is $5. Food and refreshments will be available.Call 782-9828.


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