Eminent domain bill wins Senate approval

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A developer-backed bill that would limit use of eminent domain powers by government entities to preserve open space won approval on a 16-4 vote Monday in the state Senate.

There was no discussion as SB326, by Sen. Terry Care, D-Las Vegas, moved to the state Assembly for final legislative action.

The bill would help a developer tied up in a lawsuit over plans to build upscale homes on the old Ballardini ranch just south of Reno - but Care has insisted he doesn't want to interfere with that litigation.

Care has said government entities shouldn't be allowed to do what Washoe County is attempting in trying to block development of the Ballardini ranch. He said it's improper to take such properties "simply because they look nice."

Sen. Dina Titus, D-Las Vegas, one of the four senators who opposed SB326 on Monday, said after the vote that she had received about two dozen calls and e-mails from open-space advocates and conservation groups opposed to the measure.

"I just heard from the whole environmental community that we shouldn't tie the hands of government when there's an opportunity to save open space - and I support that," Titus said. She added her vote "had nothing to do with the Ballardini ranch. It's just the general principle."

Sen. John Lee, D-North Las Vegas, also voted against the bill. Lee said later that he believes in property rights but is concerned that Care's bill might be too far-reaching.

"I want to protect open areas," Lee added. "The issue of open space is near and dear to my heart."


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