Educating community along with students

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Today is a big day for seniors at Carson High School. It is the final day of senior project presentations - the culmination of months of hard work and hours of stress among last-minute procrastinators.

For the last four years, seniors have been required to complete a three-part project in order to pass most English classes.

First, students must complete a research paper on a topic of their choice. Then they complete a tangible project based on that paper. As the final step, students present their work to a committee made up of community members.

As part of the senior projects, students have organized clothing drives for the needy, taught themselves to play a musical instrument, started their own businesses and many other subjects of personal or professional interest.

Although several students start out complaining about the project, most admit to having enjoyed the process in the end.

But what's so great about the senior project isn't just how much the students learn. It's what the community learns, as well.

Members of the general public, who may have very little to do with the high school normally, are invited to the school to see Carson City's education in progress.

There's no better way to learn about our schools than to walk through their hallways and speak to the students who learn there.

So, congratulations seniors on accomplishing probably the most difficult task remaining between you and your graduation.

And for everyone who volunteered to serve on the panels, thank you.

Certainly our community benefits from your willingness to be involved.


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