Let's all answer the tsunami-donation call

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Once again, the residents of Carson City have proved we are never powerless - not even in the face of an international disaster.

Several local groups and people, including a 23-year-old woman, are reaching out to the community to help those devastated in the earthquake and tsunamis that hit the coasts of Asia and Africa, killing more than 150,000 people.

It can seem overwhelming. That's 150,000 lives destroyed, 150,000 families devastated by loss.

Most don't speak our language. Their culture is unfamiliar. They live a half a world away from us in Carson City, where we have our own problems - snow, for one.

Still, the people of this community will not be daunted.

Sabrina Pollard is calling on members of her congregation to donate money and supplies. The Noon Rotary donated $2,240 Tuesday to the American Red Cross, which has collected about $150 million so far.

The Fountainhead Foursquare Church is also collecting donations as is our local Smith's Food and Drug store.

It is heartening to see that our neighbors will not stand idly by, but will unite in purpose and strength to improve conditions at home and abroad.

For those of you who do not have the time or resources to organize an effort, we urge you to get involved with one of these.

We know there are several excuses as to why you don't have enough time or money to help. May we suggest you forget them.

Concentrate on the ways you can contribute. There's at least 150,000 reasons why you should.


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