A chance to help the Boys & Girls Club

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No matter how charities and community organizations view the current economic downturn, it's not a pretty sight. For one thing, donations are harder to come by. For another, there are more people to help.

But the mission to help others is more important than ever. It's for that reason that benefactors like those who've donated recently to the Boys & Girls Club are so important. Frank Snopko, who built Carson Lanes and the Hardman House, posthumously gave $100,000 to the club earlier this year and thousands more to other organizations.

Now, Locke and Betty Ray Lesch have announced they will give up to $100,000 to the club for completion of its new building, scheduled to open in 2009. The key is that they will match every dollar given by the community up to that amount.

It's a tough time to ask for donations, but it's important not to leave any of that money on the table. The club has proven its importance in providing a safe and educational environment for children who otherwise might be left to their own devices.

If the fundraiser is successful, the money would be enough to complete the facility, which provides after-school education and social programs to more than 1,600 children. Some would be left over to allow work to begin on outdoor soccer, basketball and play areas.

If you're able to help monetarily, visit 673 S. Stewart Street, call 882-8820, or e-mail to info@bgcwn.org.

But even if you're unable to spare money, we encourage you to donate your time to a community cause. The need is great, and growing.


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