Fall colors in Washoe Valley

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You don't have to travel far this weekend to enjoy the spectacular beauty of the Fall colors of this area.

Here's a suggestion for enjoying those colors in nearby Washoe Valley.

Take U.S. 395 north from Carson City to the Lakeview Interchange, then leave the freeway and turn onto old U.S. 395.

Drive a couple of miles north on old U.S. 395 to the intersection with Franktown Road, turn left onto that road and begin to enjoy the colors. The further north you travel on Franktown Road, the more spectacular the colors.

When Franktown Road intersects U.S. 395, just south of Bower Mansion, make a U-turn and re-trace your drive to enjoy those colors, a second time.

However, you better do it soon, as the leaves are quickly dropping off the trees and bushes.


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