Douglas volleyball beats Carson in four games

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The Douglas Tigers volleyball team celebrated its four seniors Thursday night and followed up with a four game victory over rival Carson in the last match of the regular season for both teams.

Carson, trying to get into the Northern 4A playoffs as a third seed, played well, but was overmatched as the No. 1 seed Tigers won, 25-18, 24-26, 25-17, 25-14.

Douglas, now 33-1-0, hasn't lost since the September 20 when it fell to Del Oro in the Sheldon Invitational at Loomis, Ca., while Carson ends the season at 20-8.

"I thought we played well tonight, but Douglas played really good volleyball. That's the best volleyball I've seen all year," Carson coach Justin Malley said.

"We fought back to win the second game and then made a run in the third game, but they're obviously a very good team. We just didn't pull the trigger enough."

The first game was hotly contested, being tied at 18 all, before Douglas' strength asserted itself and the Tiger squad pulled away. Kills by seniors Jessica Waggoner and Taryn Williams, followed by a service ace from Mysta Townsell, and two more kills by Waggoner put the Senators away.

Douglas seemed in control of the second game, leading 17-12 when Coach Malley called a time-out to talk to his squad. Carson scored four consecutive points after the timeout to get back in the game, and scored the final four to get the two point win, 26-24, with a kill from Cameo Lomorri to seal it.

The Tigers were solidly in control of game three, 20-12, when Carson started to rally behind Breanna Anderson and Blaike King and Lomorri, but the deficit was too great as Douglas held on for the 25-17 win.

Douglas showed in the fourth game just what they're made of, starting with the first point as Waggoner hammered a ball down the middle. Carson managed to stay close early, actually leading briefly at 6-5, but couldn't stop the Tigers onslaught. Waggoner got three more loud kills while Megan Mitchell, Shannon Dugan, and Jourdan Burke added two each.

"We came out ready tonight," said Douglas coach Susan Townsell.

"The girls knew Carson would want to bring it, so they were ready. I just told them to enjoy it. This was so much fun. Our seniors had an awesome night."

Coach Townsell is looking forward to the playoffs next week.

"It really doesn't matter who we play," she said, "No matter who it is, it will be somebody we haven't played. we'll be ready."

Coach Malley is also looking forward to the challenge. Carson will now have to face the other No. 1 seed from the north in Reno High.

"I like our chances. We scrimmaged them earlier in the year, and we matched up well. I think we have a chance to do well against them."

Douglas senior Jordan Marsh left the floor during the first game after getting injured diving into the stands, but returned during the third game. She suffered a cut lip, but received first aid in the locker room and returned to action.


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