We need less government and people who work harder

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In response to the column written by David Bushey on Sept. 7, yes I am a man of great faith, I believe God will lead us through the troubled days ahead and I also believe that the majority of Americans believe the way I do. We can and will overcome the chains of a far reaching liberal government that will, if left uncontrolled, make us slaves in our own homes.

What about Enron, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac? Yes they have failed, but not from lack of regulation but from stupidity. Our country and its people have become too greedy and when lenders would loan at ratios of 125 percent to property value on property that was valued at over twice its real value, that was plain and simple stupidity. People have lost sight of reality and that's a fact! If a banker makes a bad loan, then the bank should have the problem, not the government.

Yes it is a fact that cutting taxes increases tax revenue. The problem with government today is that there is too much. We need to cut government spending at every level and let the people help other people.

I've been in business all my life and without the government telling me to, I've moved a number of homeless people into my home for short periods, paid for homeless people to stay at the Frontier Hotel, bought food and clothes for poor people, I've given old cars to people and it felt good. Yes I'm a lifelong Republican and proud of it.

Today Northern Nevadans want to build a wind farm near Virginia City and already the Virginia City Historical Authority (the government) has announced they will put a stop to it. Yes a clean source of power and they want to stop it.

Yes I did bring up World II, and if you did your homework you would understand the people of those times lived through the great Depression and knew what tough was. Even today you can find some old timers from that era that still scrimp and save everything they can. Unless or until we return to and follow the lessons of the past we stand a chance of seeing our country fail.

During WW II everyone grew gardens and recycled so as not to take away from the troops, not because they had to but because they wanted to. Yes they had curfews because there was a real fear of saboteurs and night air attacks.

From that awful day in November 1963 when President Kennedy was assassinated until President Johnson left office, the American government addicted the poor and needy to public assistance. Welfare programs never taught one person a skill, never tracked the narcotic they provided, money that enslaved generations of the poor with a substance worse than heroin.

If only we could go back to the 40's and 50's and learn our lessons from our parents. When we did good, mom and dad told us and maybe gave us a dime for the Good Humor Man.

When we were bad we stood a chance of getting a good talking to or when we were real bad a good old spanking. And you know what, if you told your teacher or a policeman your dad spanked you, they would probably say "good for them." We all need to roll up our sleeves and work hard, hard to the point that we're sore when we get home from work at night.

We need to save every penny possible so we might live a good life during retirement. We need to help our fellow man who needs it. We need to teach our children right from wrong.

We need to stand up to our government and tell them "enough is enough."

Mr. Bushey, how dare you imply that I would support turning America into a " smoggy and poisoned Beijing." In my column I pointed out how American politicians have sold us out with their free trade agreements and don't hold other countries responsible for their labor and environmental policies.

When you call on the federal government to confiscate more of the people's money and give them the right to spend it as they choose and with no consequence for the lack of performance, in effect you have given them the right to steal your money. How much money is in the Social Security Trust Fund? Not one penny and to those who have contributed into it for all their working lives, they find themselves with reduced benefits and an older age when they can collect their benefits. This is both callous and cavalier.

I will fight until the day of my last breath to try to teach the truth and the difference between right and wrong as well as the difference between good and bad to everyone.


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