Letters to the Editor June 25

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Obama shouldn't be the president

When is enough really all that will be tolerated? The Republic is wounded, and we are using water pistols to fight the war.

There is incontrovertible proof that an ineligible usurper sits in the White House. State governments know it - didn't bother to vet the candidate - Congress, Senate and the Supreme Court knew it.

Why hasn't anything been done to fully investigate and expose this matter by the media? Where is the truth in reporting news and ultimately, history? Where are the patriots? We are here.

Judith Hannan


Who's message will stick during special election?

I'm replying to a recent letter challenging my criticism of Ty Cobb's columns advocating tax hikes.

Mr. Ron Biggs, said in a letter said that his 31-year-old mom-and-pop RV business in Fallon has lost 60 percent of its income in the last three years, yet its local and state license fees doubled. They've put thousands of dollars of savings back into the business to keep afloat, yet Democrats at the state and national level refuse to consider reductions in taxes, fees or regulations.

Businessman Jim Thomson reports in a letter a similar experience and points out that the greedy government taxes earnings as income even though the money is retained in the business as a hedge against uncertainty.

These letters reinforce my criticism of Cobb, who is insulated by his generous tax-funded pension from the real economy that Biggs and Thomson live in. Cobb wants to be honored for his service in the Reagan administration, but basks in the flattery from his liberal friends when he betrays that service by standing for big government.

The Congressional District 2 special election will reflect this conflict. Will the Democrat openly make Cobb's case for tax hikes or pretend to be a conservative? We'll see. You can be certain that the Republican will have a pro-prosperity message that will appeal to Thomson, Biggs and everyone else who pays the freight in this economy.

See you at the polls.

Lynn Muzzy



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