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130 years ago

His Majesty, Winnemucca King of the Piutes, was recently married to a princess of his tribe. Buena Vista John, trusted member of Winnemucca's cabinet, says the royal consort is passed the middle age and weighs the same as four sacks of flour. Winnemucca is said to be the fifteen hundredth and fifty-fifth monarch of his line. The wedding is a simple affair (continued Friday).

100 years ago

Judge Langan is having a busy time in Yerington. More than 100 trial jurors have been attendance this week. The grand jury has censured the district attorney's office, the sheriff's office and township officers of Morningstar, where it is said gambling and prostitution is carried on openly, murder is committed frequently and where hold-ups and robbers are a daily occurrence.

70 years ago

A representative of the U.S. Civil Service Commission will be at the Ormsby County Courthouse on Saturday to interview hardrock miners who may be interested in working in Hawaii.

50 years ago

Paul Laxalt, Republican candidate for lieutenant governor, plays party leader by trying to explain the behavior of candidate H.M. Greenspun at a Las Vegas political rally.

20 years ago

President Bush is expected to make a 100-minute campaign stop in Reno to address Disabled American Veterans.

10 years ago

A stone marker built by Dayton Middle School student Jason Crank, marks the location of the death of his friend, Louis Norton, 15.

• Trent Dolan is the son of Bill Dolan, who wrote this column for the Nevada

Appeal from 1947 until his death in 2006.


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