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130 years ago

The other night a Carson mother woke up to find her two-year-old-boy missing. Terror stricken, she struck a match and found the hopeful quietly squatting on his father's head and the old man fast asleep. The youth's mistaken impressions were immediately corrected and he was quieted with the Emmet lullaby.

100 years ago

On the 15th of September the Fraternal Order of Eagles will organize a State Aerie in Nevada. The order has been working under the Grand Aerie, with headquarters in Kansas City, Mo. There are enough Aeries in the State now for this purpose - Yerington Times.

70 years ago

Mrs. Laura Wood entertained the members of the D. T. Club last evening at her home on Spear Street. "500" was played during the evening with prizes awarded to Mesdames Ruth Kelly, Martha Parker, and Robert Lewis. Sade J. Grant was also present.

50 years ago

Eyes of the archeological world are on Las Vegas when a team of top scientists begin excavations at Tule Springs which may become the most important archeological exploration in the history of the western hemisphere. Diggings may prove that man was here some 30,000 years ago.

20 years ago

After a month of refurbishing and rearranging, the Carson City Library has reopened with a new look.

• Trent Dolan is the son of Bill Dolan, who wrote this column for the Nevada Appeal from 1947 until his death in 2006.

10 years ago

Thirty-five horses have returned home to the Flanigan Herd Management Area, northwest of Pyramid Lake by the Bureau of Land Management. The horses were relocated following a fire in the Fish Complex, a fire that destroyed some 47,700 acres.

• Trent Dolan is the son of Bill Dolan, who wrote this column for the Nevada Appeal from 1947 until his death in 2006.


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