Time out with Carson's Brady Rivera

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SCHOOL: Carson High

YEAR: Sophomore

SPORT: Wrestling/Football

Q: What are your favorite sports and why?

A: Wrestling and MMA for sure. I love football, but there is something about winning and losing by myself that I love.

Q: Who is your favorite professional athlete and why?

A: Jon Jones. The guy just goes about and dominates, and he's confident in what he does. Plus, I'm a big fan of gnarly elbows.

Q: How do you feel about drug/alcohol testing at the high school level? Should it be random or should everybody on a team be tested at least once during the season?

A: I feel that the randomness of drug testing is a good idea because you can't prepare for it. If you're doing something, you're going to get caught.

Q: If you saw a teammate using drugs or alcohol, what would you do? Would you talk to him about it or turn him into the coach?

A: I feel it is important to take care of problem such as that as a team rather than getting scolded by a coach.

Q: The Olympics just ended. How much of the coverage did you watch and what sport did you enjoy watching the most and why?

A: Although I enjoyed watching Jordan Burroughs win the gold, nothing got me more pumped than women's soccer. I screamed "America" at the TV set when Alex Morgan scored

Q: Do you have any hobbies, and if so, what are they?

A: I love training in martial arts and hanging out with my friends. Those two things take the majority of my time.

Q: Do you have a favorite TV show?

A: Either Sons of Anarchy or Breaking Bad. On multiple occasions I've spent summer days watching seasons of each.

Q: What is your favorite food?

A: Sushi. I am also a huge fan of quail egg shooters.

Q: What is the last non-academic you read?

A: Lone Survivor by Marcus Littrell. Novels about Navy Seals motivate me.

Q: If you could change one thing about your high school, what would it be?

A: I'm not a fan of the strict dress code policies. I believe in individuality regardless of who you are. If you like wearing pants at your ankles, go for it.

Q: What sport isn't offered at the high school level that you think should be?

A: Lacrosse. I'm very interested in it. I plan on playing on a club team in the spring.

Q: After graduation, where do you plan to attend college and what are you looking at in terms of a major?

A: I hope to attend Arizona State and major in business.


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