Time out with Sam Hadley

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SCHOOL: Dayton High School

SPORTS: Baseball/Football

YEAR: Senior

Q: What are your favorite sports and why?

A: My favorite sports are baseball and football. Baseball, because I started playing when I was little and it has been a major part of my life ever since. Football, because I like the contact and intensity involved.

Q: Who is your favorite professional athlete?

A: My favorite professional athlete is Buster Posey, because he is the perfect model of a quintessential catcher. You can tell he has put in a lot of time and hard work in order to overcome his injury to be able to play this season.

Q: How do you feel about drug/alcohol testing at the high school level? Should it be random or should everybody be tested at least once during the season?

A: Drug and alcohol testing should be tested at least once to everyone on each team in the season. Although I think there are much more important things for the schools to be spending money on rather than expensive drug testing.

Q: If you saw a teammate using drugs or alcohol, what would you do?

A: I would tell that person that if it happens again, either they would have to tell the coach, or I would.

Q: What sport have you always wanted to try but never have, and for what reason?

A: I've always wanted to try lacrosse. I haven't had the chance to because they don't offer that as a school sport in Dayton.

Q: What are your hobbies?

A: I like to snowboard/ski, bowl, hang out at the lake, and hang out with friends.

Q: What are your favorite television shows?

A: My favorite TV show is Blue Mountain State.

Q: What is your favorite food?

A: My favorite food is either sushi or chicken parmesan.

Q: What was the last non-academic book you read?

A: The last non-academic book I read was "23 Minutes in Hell."

Q: Who is your favorite musician or group?

A: My favorite bands are Senses Fail, Asking Alexandria, and A Day to Remember.

Q: What has been your most thrilling moment in sports?

A: My most thrilling moment in sports was beating Lowry in playoffs my sophomore year, and going to state.

Q: Where do you plan to attend college, and what are you looking at in terms of a major?

A: I want to either attend a JC or go to Pacific University in Oregon and major in exercise science.


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