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140 years ago

Six thousand dollars was added to the treasury yesterday. That amount was received by Treasurer Schooling from the County Treasurer of Lincoln from the June settlement.

130 years ago

The cause of the sickness in Carson is now believed to be from foul water closets. The way to remedy the evil is to remove the cause, which means cleaning of all the water closets in the city. A half bushel of lime per month will kill the active germs. A general scattering of lime should begin at once.


Someone has suggested that the Capitol Commissioners remove the old iron fence from the grounds. This fence was originally erected to keep cattle, hogs and other stock from the plaza. The fence has outlived its usefulness.

70 years ago

The director of selective service for Nevada has received the following telegram from Major General Lewis B. Hershey: “Captain Frank Lyman of the Nevada Selective Service headquarters to the rank of major. Please advise Capt. Lyman and convey my heartiest congratulations.”

50 years ago

A favorable report from the Bureau of Land Management may get the wheels rolling for the acquisition of 10 acres of land for the South Side Park.

20 years ago

Lobbyist spending is topping $131,000 so far at the 1993 Legislative Session.

Trent Dolan is the son of Bill Dolan, who wrote this column for the Nevada Appeal from 1947 until his death in 2006.


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