Officials say to be aware of interactions with coyotes

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A coyote attacked a small dog Friday morning in Mills Park.“It was probably just a pass-through coyote,” said Chris Healy, Nevada Department of Wildlife public information officer. “It’s an urban interface area. That part of town is right near the Lompa Ranch area” and wildlife habitat.The coyote attacked the dog, believed to be a Chihuahua, in the park, The Associated Press reported.A Nevada Department of Wildlife warden, along with another official, investigated the site of the attack.“It’s not a coyote setting up shop (in Mills Park,)” Healy said. “People just need to be aware that this kind of thing can happen.”How to help prevent coyote-human incidentsAccording to NDOW, a few precautions can greatly reduce the number of interactions humans have with coyotes. They include:• Do not feed the coyotes.• Do not corner coyotes, especially in enclosed spaces, such as a garage. Do not let pets harass them; they are very capable fighters.• Keep pet food out of their reach and in secure containers. Coyotes will make a meal of pet food or table scraps left in an unsecured container. • Abide by leash laws and avoid letting cats and dogs roam freely. Coyotes kill and eat small dogs and cats.• Work with the neighborhood to make it undesirable to coyotes, and make sure they’re not enticed by potential food sources.


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