Silver Dollars and Wooden Nickels: Kudos to Carson High’s wrestlers

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The Nevada Appeal’s Silver Dollars and Wooden Nickels feature recognizes achievements from the capital region and, then warranted, points out other acts that missed the mark.

SILVER DOLLAR: Finally! After a long wait, precipitation finally fell on Carson this past week — in the form of rain Wednesday and snow Thursday morning. We’ll need a lot more of it if we’re to avoid a drought-ridden summer and heightened wildfire risks, but at least it’s a start. And thank you to the students at Carson Montessori School, who started each day with a stomping-and-chanting snow dance. Keep it up, kids; we need more.

SILVER DOLLAR: Speaking of students, about 20 of them from Fritsch Elementary School technically took part Tuesday in the National Archery in the Schools program’s state tournament. The Las Vegas tourney isn’t until Thursday, but the students were competing virtually and will send in their scores. The event has more than 500 participants; best of luck to our local ones.

SILVER DOLLAR: In keeping with this week’s student-centric theme, Carson High School’s wrestling team won its 29th consecutive duel Wednesday against rival Douglas High. It wasn’t close; Carson prevailed 71-9 and only two of its grapplers lost. If Carson beats Galena in its next match, set for 6 p.m. Wednesday, it’ll complete its sixth consecutive unbeaten season. Best of luck.

WOODEN NICKEL: Unfortunately, Carson High School’s graduation rate was down about 3 percent in 2013, bucking a positive trend statewide. Carson City School District Superintendent Richard Stokes said the district is adjusting to a new formula required by the U.S. Department of Education. Carson’s rate now is 77.91 percent.

SILVER DOLLAR: Carson City’s taxable sales were up 3.5 percent in November 2013 compared with the same month a year earlier. Douglas County fared even better, with a 9.3 percent increase. The mostly positive economic news continues, and it’s most welcomed.


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