McKenna, Shirk mum on tax hike

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Carson City Supervisors John McKenna and Jim Shirk remain mum, providing no definitive word about how they may vote on a sales-tax boost and capital projects Feb. 20.

Both members of the Board of Supervisors were asked before Thursday’s regular meeting how they intend to vote on a plan of expenditure set for action two weeks hence, but they kept their counsel. Adoption of the plan requires super majority support, or backing by four of the board’s five members. They were asked 24 hours after Mayor Robert Crowell urged passage in his State of the City speech.

“Philosophically, I think it would be best for the community for the voters to decide,” said McKenna, then paused to reflect before saying he would stop with that comment. He has repeatedly said something akin to that, and last year he joined Shirk in voting against advancing a preliminary version of the proposal to hike city sales tax and do the projects.

“I don’t actually know how I’m going to vote,” Shirk said Thursday, noting he continues to assess citizen attitudes and wants to keep an open mind. He said when he makes his decision, he likely will keep it to himself until he actually casts his vote.

The plan of expenditure details projects for which revenues from boosting city sales tax one-eighth of a penny, or by $12.50 per $10,000 in taxable goods purchased, would be used.

Projects now include an athletic center, an animal shelter, and street-scape improvements for business corridors along Carson Street north, central and south, as well as on East William street.


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