CHS teacher plans European trip

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Carson High School math teacher Todd Ackerman is organizing an 11-day tour of Italy next year for students and their parents.

This is the seventh tour he has organized for students and teams to Europe and Asia, and the fourth through EF Educational Tours, an internationally based tour company.

“It’s a great experience for these students,” he said. “Also, it gives them the opportunity to learn and do some traveling in a safe environment.”

The tour will include visits to Rome, Venice and Florence, with highlights including St. Peter’s Basilica, the Colosseum and the Sistine Chapel.

“It gives them the opportunity to really see how other people live,” Ackerman said. “Just to be able to experience a completely different culture. This trip is all inclusive and is perfect for students, adults and seniors who prefer all the details be planned by a pro.”

Cost will run around $4,065 and is slated for early June 2015.

Anyone interested should contact Ackerman at 775-283-1722, 775-315-7681 or email at

“They get to experience something different from what they ever have before,” he said. “It’s really a priceless thing.”


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