Deputy AG runs for Reno city attorney

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Deputy Attorney General Brett Kandt is running for Reno city attorney.

“The residents of Reno deserve a city attorney who will protect our families and our tax dollars,” he said in his campaign announcement.

Those functions are not within the power of the city attorney’s office; they fall to the accounting staff. How the money is spent is the decision of the city council.

Kandt serves as the special deputy to the Nevada attorney general, where he is a policy adviser and has worked on laws “combatting methamphetamine production, child pornography, domestic violence, consumer fraud and sex trafficking.”

He has also served on several local boards including the Reno Financial Advisory Board.

Kandt is seeking to replace John Kadlic, who is running for the Washoe County Commission. Karl Hall, who retired as the chief deputy district attorney for Washoe County, announced in October that he’s seeking the city attorney post. Washoe Chief Deputy City Attorney Tracy Chase announced the same in January.


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