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100 Years Ago

The Project Opening. It seems to be tentatively agreed that it will be much earlier than May 1st. The principle subject taken up at the meeting of the Churchill County Chamber of Commerce was the opening of project lands to settlement. Mayor Sherman asked that the project be opened as soon as possible. Reclamation officials had practically decided to open the project on May 1st, but the object of the meeting was to have the opening take place earlier, and from all that we can learn, the Reclamation officials see the wisdom of setting the opening at as early a date as possible. The best asset of the Truckee-Carson Project is that we are able to carry on farm work and leveling of land through our open winters. We should take advantage of it. In the Middle West and east work is closed up and the ground frozen. Coming here now, at once, they would find our open winter with work in progress and would themselves be in a position to prepare some land. Or the renter from the east could come and locate his claim, go back and plant his crop, mature it and close up affairs in time to get here within the six months allowed in which to establish residence on his land.

Churchill County Eagle — January 10, 1914.

75 Years Ago

Local Events and News About Your Neighbors. ●Mr. and Mrs. Harry Candee have returned from a three week visit to the east. ●Mrs. Ira Hamlin Kent entertained two tables of bridge at her home Thursday. Mrs. Art Challstrom was holder of high score. ●A new group of CCC enrollments from Camp Dix, New Jersey, is due to arrive in Fallon next week as replacements for the local camps. There will be about 66 men for each camp. ●Harvey Kolhoss, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Kolhoss of Fallon, who was graduated at mid-year from the University of Nevada where he majored in mining engineering, will take up work next week at Walker mine about 60 miles above Reno, where 300 men are employed. He will probably be snowed in most of the winter. His first work at the mine will be sampling and mapping.

The Fallon Eagle — January 7, 1939.

50 Years Ago

Butlers Assume Publication of Eagle-Standard. This is the first issue of the Fallon Eagle-Standard for 1964 and it is being published by the new owners, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Butler, formerly of Prescott, Arizona. Harold Hartzer, shop foreman, will continue in the employ of the new owners. Also continuing in their positions is Pat Cunningham, a printer and Justine McCuller, bookkeeper.

Fallon Eagle Standard — January 3, 1964.

Local Phone Company Named in Complaint. The Churchill County Telephone and Telegraph Company has been named in a complaint filed by the Western Union Telegraph Company in the Ormsby County District protesting a Nevada Public Service Commission ruling which halted the firm’s plans to establish voice transmission service within Nevada.

Fallon Eagle Standard — January 3, 1964.

From the Past ... Stories from the Churchill County Museum Archives, researched and compiled by Cindy Loper, Churchill County Museum Assistant.


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