Past Pages for Thursday, Jan. 8, 2015

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140 Years Ago

Scarlet fever. Mr. Charles W. Friend informs the Appeal that one of his little ones, one of the twin boys, has been attacked by scarlet fever.

130 Years Ago

Terrible night at Cave Rock. After the bear exhausted his fury against the blank wall, he withdrew a few feet and laid down on the floor of the cave. Reik maintained his place on the ledge for over an hour. It was cold, and he began to feel the discomfort of a cramped position. Each time he shifted his weight from one position to another, the bear would vent a growl. In the darkness of the cave it was something horrible to listen to. (Continued on Friday).

110 Years Ago

Children invited. The management of the Kinescope extended an invitation to the children of the orphan’s home to attend the matinee. The Kinescope is putting on some very fine programs, and those who fail to attend will miss a genuine treat.

70 Years Ago

Gold quotation. The price of gold, unchanged at $35 per ounce, was five cents above the London quotation.

50 Years Ago

Advertisement. “Carson Theater: Never before a spectacle like it! The most breathtaking chariot ride ever imagined. Samuel Bronsions, ‘The Fall of the Roman Empire’ with Sophia Loren, Alec Guinness, and James Mason.”

15 Years Ago

A historic Senate impeachment trial begins for President Clinton, the first presidential impeachment proceedings in 130 years. The nation’s 42nd president stands accused of two articles of impeachment alleging perjury and obstruction of justice. They stem from his effort to conceal his relationship with Monica Lewinsky.

Sue Ballew is the daughter of Bill Dolan, who wrote this column for the Nevada Appeal from 1947 until his death in 2006.


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