Naval air station conducts SAPR Drill

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Naval Air Station Fallon recently conducted a Sexual Assault Prevention and Response (SAPR) exercise.

The exercise, mandated by Commander, Naval Installation Command (CNIC), tested NAS Fallon’s ability to respond to multiple SAPR incidents while adhering to proper response protocol for restricted and unrestricted reporting.

“The purpose of this drill was to ensure the effectiveness of NAS Fallon’s SAPR program incorporating a coordinated approach between all entities providing services for sexual assault victims,” said Jeannette Casillas, Fallon’s Sexual Assault Response Coordinator (SARC). “It tested the mission readiness of the SAPR Program and its effectiveness when assisting victims of sexual assault.”

During the exercise, an after-hours party was simulated in the barracks where drugs and alcohol played a factor in two rape scenarios. In the first scenario, the simulated victim was highly inebriated and raped during the party. In the second scenario, an under-aged victim was slipped a drug, and then taken to a barracks room where the alleged rape occurred. One simulated victim reported the incident to a Civilian Victim Advocate (VA), and the other reported to the base’s emergency response line.

“As the Installation SARC, I was able to provide case management, oversight of coordinated advocacy services and response,” said Casillas. “Utilizing written and verbal command notification of both restricted and unrestricted cases while ensuring the necessary statistical data elements were provided to meet the timely release of a sexual assault SITREP.”

Conducting the exercise shed light on the topic while preparing the first responders for real-world cases.

“We have seen that sexual assault isn’t just a Navy issue, however, I am elated to see that we are getting in front of these issues through training,” said Training Officer Chris Pierce. “When an incident such as a sexual assault occurs, the victims need to have the utmost confidence that the command is going to get it right, with regards to providing the best support system, period.”

Focusing on SAPR incidents allows the base’s first responders the practice needed to ensure a real-world incident would be handled in the most professional way possible.

“We drill to the point of failure in order to identify system impediments that allows the adjustment of our SAPR response so we can ensure victim/survivors receive high-quality advocacy, referrals and accompaniment services from all involved,” said Casillas. “All first responders were incorporated during the SAPR drill displaying a military community dedicated to teamwork.”

The exercise was successfully completed and provided training for all involved, to include NAS Fallon’s Navy Security Force (NSF), Federal Fire Department, Churchill County Sheriff’s Office (CCSO), Naval Region Southwest (NRSW) Regional Dispatch Center (RDC), and the Washoe County Child Advocacy Center

“I have stated on numerous occasions that our training team is only as good as the people we are surrounded by, and Ms. Jeannette and her team of VAs played the most intricate role in making it the success that it was,” said Pierce. “This wouldn’t have been possible without them; from the Fed Fire team to the patrol officers that responded to the simulated incident, all benefited from the training.”

NAS Fallon is dedicated to ensure all Navy personnel and their families work and live in a safe supportive environment where the entire chain of command and community is committed to a “zero tolerance” policy for sexual assault.

“If any victims or survivors are struggling with the effects of sexual assault, SAPR services are available whether the assault transpired days, weeks, months or even years prior to reporting,” said Casillas. “Services are provided by a team of trained professionals such as SARCs, VAs, mental health professionals, as well as first responders.”


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