Carson City man to discuss youth at Business Expert Forum of the Harvard Faculty Club in Massachusetts

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Carson City’s Clifton Maclin, a semi-retired businessman, is set to speak next month at a Business Expert Forum of the Harvard Faculty Club in Massachusetts.

Maclin will urge business people mentor underprivileged youth as a means to helping attack cultural problems and put the nation’s future on a sound track, he said Wednesday. He contends middle class values must be passed on to the next generation. He said middle class couples have fewer children while those in minority or poor communities can have four or more without passing on bedrock values for America to thrive. His presentation is Dec. 5.

A money manager and financial adviser, Maclin practices what he preaches. For years he has volunteered at prisons and currently mentors five youths with fathers behind bars. He said two of the youths are in college on scholarships while his younger charges are winning awards and kudos. He has been volunteering as a mentor for at least a dozen years, he said.

“We can turn our country around,” he said, noting such action by business people will prevent the culture from dying over time. He said he will encourage American business people during his 10-minute presentation to do what he has done, looking for young people with potential among the disadvantaged. Maclin, an African-American, said his own life path was put on a positive path when he was young and met John Glenn, astronaut and U.S. Senator.

Maclin, 71, said after his presentation on the first Saturday in December people may link to it at


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