Carson City school board meets Monday on superintendent search

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The Carson City School District Board of Trustees will hold a special meeting at 5 p.m. Monday in the Carson City Community Center’s Robert Crowell Board Room, 851 E. William St., to move forward in its process of hiring a new superintendent.
The purpose of the discussion is to establish parameters on the search and determine the new superintendent’s salary range, set an ideal number of applicants to bring forward for consideration, establish the selection of the location and process under which to conduct interviews, choice of interview questions and approval of a timeline to finish the search.
The item is for possible action.
Public comment will be accepted in person or through virtual participation through e-mail at before action is taken.
The Nevada Association of School Boards, the hosting firm assisting the district in its hiring process, recently conducted an
online survey that closed on Nov. 5. The survey sought community input on the desired qualities the next superintendent should possess in the role.


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