Governor, treasurer launch grant program aimed at disabled children

Steve Sisolak

Steve Sisolak

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Gov. Steve Sisolak and Treasurer Zach Conine on Monday rolled out the nation’s first grant program designed to help disabled children and their families.
Using $5 million in American Rescue Plan funding, the Transforming Opportunities for Toddlers and Students (TOTS) program. Under the program, children with disabilities can receive $5,000 grants to use for expenses including education, transportation, healthcare and assistive technology.
During the pandemic, Sisolak said children with disabilities were among the hardest hit by the impacts of distance learning and social isolation. He said the grants will give those children opportunities to recover from those effects.
Conine said the money will enable the state to help 1,000 Nevada families.
Nevada residents under age 18 with a qualifying disability who have suffered because of the pandemic are eligible to apply They can apply for a TOTS grant by visiting


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