Artist Nettie Rickerson at the library

Nettie Rickerson

Nettie Rickerson

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Nettie Rickerson’s artwork is on display at the Churchill County Library through October.
She grew up in Fallon where she currently lives and works as an educator. She graduated from the University of Nevada, Reno with a Bachelor of Science in Elementary and Special Education. She is also a reiki practitioner with a small practice in Fallon. She takes pleasure in the creative process, whether that is experimenting with new types of art, cooking, canning food, or making jewelry.
Nettie loved art from an early age, getting drawing lessons from her talented older brother and taking art courses throughout elementary, high school, and college. While she enjoys many mediums such as clay, colored pencils, pen and ink, acrylics, and gold leafing, the majority of her current artwork is pencil drawings.
Growing up, she was obsessed with horses and her favorite time of year was summer when she would visit the family ranch in Malad, Idaho. Nettie has many treasured memories of riding all over the ranch, watching brandings, and exploring the hills and the old buildings with her cousins. From an early age, all she drew and dreamed about was horses. This love of horses and all things western has greatly influenced her art.
During a particularly hard time in her life, Nettie turned to drawing as an escape, spending hours and hours fine-tuning and learning new techniques. As she improved, she began to do commission work for clients — mostly of their animals. Seeing a client’s joy from a portrait of their beloved animal has been a very satisfying experience.
As Nettie began to draw more for herself, she found herself especially drawn to the people and animals that are part of the rural western way of life. Not only the horses, but the cattle, wildlife, brandings, cow dogs, family, and hard work that are such a big part of that life. She especially loves to draw the beautiful horses and detailed gear that cowboys and ranchers use every day and are so proud of. Each piece has a history, specific function, and beauty.
Although late to the game, Nettie feels her art career is just beginning and is excited about this new direction in her life. She is a member of the Reno Fine Arts Collective and some of her work can be seen in their pop-up gallery during the month of September or in their online gallery.


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