Heller schedules announcement for Monday

Then-Nevada Republican Sen. Dean Heller talks to supporters before a joint appearance with Ivanka Trump at the GOP field office in Reno on Nov. 1, 2018. (AP Photo/Scott Sonner)

Then-Nevada Republican Sen. Dean Heller talks to supporters before a joint appearance with Ivanka Trump at the GOP field office in Reno on Nov. 1, 2018. (AP Photo/Scott Sonner)

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Dean Heller has scheduled a press conference Monday morning in Carson City among speculation that he is going to run for the Republican nomination for governor in 2022.  
The event is set for 8 a.m. at the GOP headquarters in Carson City, an RSVP is required.
Heller has been rumored for several months as planning a run for governor, attending events across the state to test the waters and enlist supporters including the annual Basque Fry hosted by former Attorney General Adam Laxalt.
Heller was raised in Carson City and graduated with a business degree from USC.
He served two terms in the Nevada Assembly before winning the secretary of State’s office. He held that post 12 years before replacing Jim Gibbons in the House of Representatives when Gibbons ran for governor.
He was appointed to the U.S. Senate seat vacated by John Ensign in 2011 and won election to that post in 2012. He served until 2019 when he was defeated by Democrat Jacky Rosen in his bid for a second full term.
He lives in Smith Valley with his wife, Lynne.
Heller joins an increasingly crowded Republican field seeking the governor’s office including North Las Vegas Mayor John Lee, Clark County Sheriff Joe Lombardo, Reno attorney Joey Gilbert and businessman Guy Nohra.
RSVP at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/join-us-for-a-special-announcement-from-dean-heller-at-our-office-920-8am-tickets-172171448437 or by calling Carson City Republican Party office at 775-841-1800.


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