Election 2022: Nevada State Assembly District 39


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Two-year term

Editor’s note: Ken Gray didn’t respond to our request for a questionnaire. We are including his answers from the primary.

Ken Gray



Chief Master Sergeant (ret) U.S.A.F.

Chairman, Lyon County Board of County Commissioners

Age: 52




Ken Gray


Record of service:

Chairman of the Lyon County Board of County Commissioners and was first elected to the board in 2016

Vice-Chairman of the Carson Water Sub-Conservancy District

Comstock Historic District Commissioner

Member, Nevada Local Justice Reinvestment Coordinating Council

Member, Quad Counties Legislative Committee

Senior Field Representative, United States House of Representatives for Nevada Congressional District 2. In that position I handled military, veteran’s, public land’s, and other issues for the office.

Chief Master Sergeant (E-9, ret) U.S.A.F., served 2 tours in Iraq and multiple overseas assignments and deployments including other Middle-East locations


Chapman University - Extensive graduate work in Organizational Leadership and Human Resources

Excelsior College - Bachelor of Science

Community College of the Air Force - Associate of Applied Science degrees (3) in Electrical and Mechanical Technology, Allied Health Science, and Healthcare Management

Briefly describe the core duties of the position you are running for:

Assembly members are responsible for representing all residents within their district at the legislature. The member is the voice of the people in the creation of Nevada’s laws and in formation of the state budget. They are also instrumental in resolving constituent’s issues with state agencies and addressing other problems.

A brief statement about your platform

As a staunch conservative I believe in smaller government, lower taxes, and less governmental interference.

Restore integrity to our election process by repealing the bad election laws passed in the last legislative session, requiring voter ID, and return to an absentee ballot for bona fide reasons.

Repeal legislation infringing on Second Amendment rights, and enact a Constitutional Carry law.

Pass legislation protecting the unborn and make adoption easier and more affordable.

Enact legislation to restrict the governor’s emergency powers, provide checks and balances, enact rigid time frames, and provide oversight during emergency situations.

Parents must be in charge of their children’s education not government. Tax money for education should follow the student. All elements of Critical Race Theory and Social Emotional Learning must be purged from public education.

Training more doctors and encouraging them to practice here can solve our doctor shortage in Nevada. We cannot put our citizens at risk by lowering the standards.

My father-in-law was a police officer in Bishop, CA and killed in the line of duty in 2001. We must do everything we can to support our officers.

As a veteran and the father of 2 veteran daughters, supporting our military and veterans is imperative.

What makes you the most qualified candidate for this position?

 My campaign slogan is “experience matters.” I have a lifelong history of service to our country and state, which has provided me the experience and skills to be successful as an assemblyman for We the People. I am a trained and successful leader, evidenced by both my military rank and the positions I currently hold. I have literally had to lead and make decisions in hostile environments. I have been trained and mentored by real leaders, not professional politicians.

I will not be a puppet, bow to party or assembly leadership, serve special interests, or take lobbyists contributions just for something they want. I will only support legislation that is constitutional and in the best interests of We the People. Make no mistake, my voice, as a representative of We the People will be heard loud and clear.

Serving as a county commissioner for 6 years, I know firsthand the impact to local government and taxpayers when the legislature passes unfunded mandates. Those mandates are always put onto the backs of taxpayers as new taxes and fees. I cannot stress enough that we have a spending problem and not a revenue problem. I have signed the Taxpayer Protection Pledge and am the only candidate in this race who has done so.

As a county commissioner, I had invocations restored to our meetings, which had not been allowed in decades. Freedom of religion and not freedom from religion is a founding tenet in our country. I got my county to become both a Second Amendment Sanctuary County and affirm ourselves as a Constitutional County. Finally, I led the charge to name something after President Trump. That effort resulted in our new justice facility being named the Donald J. Trump Justice Complex. It was the first building in Nevada named after him.

Janice Noble, Ph.D.

Party: Democrat

Occupation: Retired Educational Administrator

Age: 73




Janice Noble, Ph.D.



Capella University - Ph.D. Education;

University of Redlands - M.B.A.;

Pepperdine University - M.A. Education;

California State University - B.S. Human Service;

W.R. Harper College - Registered Nurse

Why are you running?

I believe all constituents’ voices should be heard. It is critical that legislation be implemented that maintains our freedoms and rights and supports quality healthcare, mental health and education for our community. Democracy needs to be supported and protected. I will work with dedication and commitment to maintain and encourage the values and ideals of Nevadans. We need to ensure our residents have clean water, breathable air, and lands that support farming, ranching, and the recreation we have come to enjoy. I want to protect these things and ensure we have affordable housing while maintaining infrastructure that does not damage our lands.

Briefly describe the core duties of the position you are running for

Working across the aisle, review and research the hundreds of bills proposed for our state. Connect with constituents to understand and support their needs and how new bills can make the lives of our community members better while protecting their rights and freedoms.

A brief statement about your platform

I have developed my platform based on the many conversations I have had with constituents of District 39. I understand citizens want our children well-educated with quality teachers and resources. They want healthcare and mental healthcare provided by qualified and experienced practitioners. Affordable housing is an important factor for our community keeping in mind the critical importance of protecting our lands from overdevelopment in the process. Introducing jobs and careers that provide a living wage that citizens do not have to travel to another county to provide for their families.

Reproductive rights are a central issue in my platform. I support a woman’s right to make choices about her healthcare with her physician and what is right for her and her family. This is her business. The government has no place in this private decision-making process.

Democracy is on the ballot this November. I choose to support the democratic process, free and fair elections, and promote the freedoms and rights we hold dear in this country.

What makes you the most qualified candidate for this position?

I have an education that includes degrees and experience in healthcare, business, and education that encompasses over 30 years. I have been a manager and a leader in all three fields bringing compassion, empathy, and leadership to each role.

Since retirement, I have been an active member of Douglas County Democratic Women (DCDW) as Legislation Committee Chair, Vice President, and President for the past four years. I have had the opportunity to follow each Legislative Session for the past six years and understand the Bill Draft Process and how bills become laws. I have also attended Grassroots Lobby Days during each session for the past three sessions. In addition, I have also been Legislation Co-Chair, Vice President, and President of American Association of University Women (AAUW) for the past two years. This has enhanced my understanding of non-partisan but political activism and strengthened my leadership skills in a non-profit setting.

I believe I am able to create an enjoyable work experience with my colleagues and listen effectively to all sides of an issue. I make decisions by doing my research to understand the details. I have long believed I was given two ears and one mouth in order to listen twice as much as I speak. Doing this helps me to understand others’ perspective and be able to establish a rapport that supports progress toward mutually desired goals.

I am well-qualified and will welcome the challenge to take on the role of State Assemblywoman in District 39 to support its citizens as they pursue their chosen lifestyle in Nevada.

About Me: I am not a politician. I am a person who wants to contribute to the best of my ability to make my home and community the best it can be.


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