Incline school bill passes House

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WASHINGTON - The House of Representatives has passed a bill selling Forest Service land to the Washoe School District for a new elementary school in Incline Village.

The bill will provide land for a school to replace the existing elementary school at Incline, which was built in 1964. Rep. Jim Gibbons, R-Nev., said that school is seriously overcrowded, forcing the district to send sixth-graders in North Lake Tahoe to the area's middle school.

The legislation will sell 8.7 acres of land to the school district and put the money from that sale in a fund for the purchase of environmentally sensitive lands in the Tahoe Basin. It is similar to the bill introduced in the Senate by Nevada Sens. Harry Reid and Richard Bryan, both D-Nev.

"This bill will provide the children of Incline Village with a safe and quality school facility in which to learn and grow," said Gibbons.


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