

Submit a Letter to the Editor

Letters to the editor must include the writer’s name, address and phone number and be no more than 250 words. The Appeal reserves the right to edit them. Letters also may appear at nevadaappeal.com. Only one letter can be submitted every 30 days. Mail it to Letters to the Editor, Nevada Appeal, 1071 S. Carson St., Carson City, NV 89701. Send emails to editor@nevadaappeal.com.

Letter: Shirks lays out priorities

Letter to the editor of the Nevada Appeal

Trina Machacek: Envy or jealousy?

Jealousy makes the normal person look at what someone else has and want it more than they should.

Past Pages for October 9 to 11, 2024

Carson City history from the Nevada Appeal archive

JoAnne Skelly: Oh, the colors

It seems as if the date saying it’s fall resonated with the trees’ color clocks.

Faith & Insight: Quenched

I am never satisfied, but that is my own volition. Jesus offers so much more.

Jim Hartman: Ignoring the threat of World War III

Americans urgently need to wake-up or the U.S. will careen into global conflict with catastrophic results.

Past Pages for October 5 to 8, 2024

Carson City history from the Nevada Appeal archive

Trina Machacek: Tasty buds

Something to bring up at your next meal of eggs at breakfast, or chicken at dinner.

Past Pages for October 2 to 4, 2024

Carson City history from the Nevada Appeal archive

Letter: Going above and beyond

Letter to the editor of the Nevada Appeal

Jim Valentine: Latent components and value

Real estate is the land and improvements thereon plus any other amenities such as natural resources, crops, etc.

Letter: CASI thanks those involved in Pooch Plunge

Letter to the editor of the Nevada Appeal

Kelly Bullis: Is there really a way to roll back prices?

One major candidate keeps vaguely stating that they will get prices lowered back to two or three years ago.

Letter: Thank you for successful Grateful Harvest Dinner

Letter to the editor of the Nevada Appeal
