Letters to the editor must include the writer’s name, address and phone number and be no more than 250 words. The Appeal reserves the right to edit them. Letters also may appear at nevadaappeal.com. Only one letter can be submitted every 30 days. Mail it to Letters to the Editor, Nevada Appeal, 1071 S. Carson St., Carson City, NV 89701. Send emails to editor@nevadaappeal.com.
Letter to the editor of the Nevada Appeal
Rather than gnash your teeth about yesterday’s regrets, or obsess about tomorrow’s worries, embrace today, because today is always the “right time” to shine the light of the Gospel.
Nevada Republicans have taken – by a wafer-thin margin – a statewide voter registration lead over Democrats for the first time in nearly 20 years.
Carson City history from the Nevada Appeal archive
If not for us “keepers,” I truly think the oceans would fill up faster than they are with the plastic water bottles that we all seem to think we need to carry with us everywhere we go.
Even brief exposure can be dangerous, and there is no safe level of secondhand smoke.
Carson City history from the Nevada Appeal archive.
If you choose to also start lettuce, cabbages, spinach or kohl rabe indoors, they can be planted outside in early March.
When your spouse is an employee of your business, there are a few benefits that will save you some tax.
All humans are relational. We need community to flourish. This seems too foundational to ignore or avoid, yet there are times in our lives that it’s just hard to connect with others.
Kash Patel, Trump’s selection as FBI director, has little experience with the 38,000-person agency and has vowed to use it to go after Trump’s long list of enemies.
I don’t think I would like the look of cotton balls in my houseplants, especially as they start to rot.
Carson City history from the Nevada Appeal archive
Paperwork. It comes down to just paperwork. Each part of one’s life has many fingers.
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